Chapter 8

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A/N Hello readers, nice to see you again. Enjoy! The picture is not mine, but it's cute😶

Your breath hitched in your throat as you tried to summon the courage to answer Foxy.

"Ye...yeah. I'm...I'm fine. " You smiled shakily at him.

"That's wonderful. Wanna make some pizza with me?" a feminine voice asked from behind you.

"No, no, no. Come play the guitar with me." another voice whined.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see Freddy smiling reassuringly at you before turning to the other two animatronics.

"Chica, Bonnie, can't you see that you are scaring (y/n)?" Freddy scolded.

You stare at this scene and started giggling.

The creepypastas and animatronics all stared at you with shocked expressions, their eyes questioning your sanity.

Okay, so maybe you've not fully recovered.

And you did sound kind of queer, your giggles holding a note of hysteria in it.

"Freddy, hahaha...Freddy is like their...haha, fath...father! " you said in between your paroxym of giggles.

"Are you sure you're truly okay (y/n)? You sound a little crazy." Goldie asked, concern lacing his voice.

You took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

Apparently, laughing released all the nervous tension in your body for you grinned at them, no longer finding them scary any longer.

"So, who wants to play a game of hide and seek?"
Time skip by Chica and her pizzas

"Goldie, you're it!" Sally shouted, running away. Her laughter faded  as she went to find a spot to hide. Everyone followed suit.

After counting to thirty, Goldie called out.

"Ready or not, here I come!"

You were in Slender's office, busy hiding under his table. ( A/N stupid, I know, but I can't think of anywhere else)

Just then, a horrible thought occurred to you and sent you shivering in cold sweat.

'In fnaf, the main purpose is to hide away from the animatronics who will stuff you into suits... And it's famous for its jumpscares...'

'Oh my Zalgo! I hve just put myself in a situation just like the fnaf and Goldie an animatronic and... and...!'

You started hyperventilating. Your heavy breathing suddenly sounded very loud, breaking the quiet of the office.

Your ears pricked as approaching footsteps echoed down the hallway.

The door slammed open and the sound of footsteps neared the table.

You closed your eyes and slapped both hands across your mouth to keep from shouting.

"HerE yOu ArE!" a glitchy, malfunctioning voice said.

You felt a change and slowly opened your eyes. Crawling forward, you peeked out of the table just to see Goldie outside with his mouth open and pouncing at you.


Heart pounding in your chest, you saw darkness surrounding the edges of your vision.

You fell back and hit the edge of the table, feeling a sharp pain and a slash of warmth at your head.

The last thing you saw was Goldie standing over you. His eyes were a hollow black, with twin orbs of white floating in the center.

His mouth were unhinged, hanging open by a few threads. Darkness consumed you...

You shot awake and sat up. You were in your bedroom, lying on your bed.

Quickly, you felt for your head, searching for any signs of injuries or wounds and breathing out a sigh of relief when you felt nothing.

You walked over to the windows and drew open the curtains, letting the bright sunshine and cool wind wash away all traces of nightmares the night before, and went to get ready for the new day ahead.

"(Y/n), hurry and come down to the living room, there's some new guests I would like to introduce to you." Slender announced in your head.

You answered him and walked down to the living room with a spring in your steps, feeling strangely cheerful.

Opening the large oaken door of the living room, you saw Slender standing in the middle of the room and walked towards him. 

He 'beamed' at you before gesturing to the guests.

"(Y/n), meet Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Golden Freddy. But you may call him Glodie for short."

You looked at them and felt your head started spinning. Your nightmare have came true!

Collapsing, the last things you saw was the creepypastas and animatronics all rushing towards you...

Creepypasta X Reader Welcome To Your NightmaresTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon