Chapter 14

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I'm still alive people. I just had a very very veerryyy long writer's block. Oh, and Hatter is one of my OC.

"Miss me?" The stranger smiled, revealing rows of glistening sharp teeth.

"Hatter!" Jeff growled, stabbing the wall with his knife. "So nice to see you again."

She stared at him, smile turning slightly savage, "Yes, it's nice, isn't it? Want to throw down again, Jeffery?"

The two of them just stared at each other, then proceeded shouting the others' name across the room.

"Right. When you two are done acting childish can we focus on the more serious matter at hand?" Liu's alter ego, said amusedly.

The both of them stopped shouting and sulk instead, turning their attention to Slender.

Satisfied that he had everyone's attention, Slender took out a blueprint from who knows where and opened it.

"Now children, this is the layout of Zalgo's palace. I want all of you to memorise the map." Slender commanded
Meanwhile at Zalgo's castle

"Are your saying I can control people? And change my form?" You exclaimed after your father told you about your powers.

"Well, you are a succubus. And as for controlling people, only by using their blood or their bodily fluids." You father told you, pleased with your eagerness.

He then lead you by your shoulders to a table in the middle of the room with a map laid out.

"Daughter, this is the map of Slender's mansion. Is there any detail I'm missing out?" Zalgo asked you.

You still had some affection for the other creepypastas and hence did not really want to betray them.

You this thought for a while before answering.

" about I strike a deal with you my lord?" You asked him in a saccharine sweet voice.

Zalgo looked at you and debated for a while. Apparently, he still does not trust you even if your his daughter.

"Very well," he began in a cautious voice, "only promise me that you will do whatever I tell you to in return."

You nodded, knowing you could not get a better deal from him.

"Well..., help me master my abilities. Only then will I help you." You said this smugly, thinking that it would take you a very long time to have complete control over your powers.

Zalgo smiled, clapping his hands together.

"Very well. Now, shall we get started?"

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