Chapter 3

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There were all kinds of people in the room. Nope, people is not suited to describe them, it is too civilised a name.

Monsters- now that would actually be a better word. Yes, monsters. There is a group of monsters in the room.

They looked like demons who had just crawled their way up from the deepest, darkest pits of hell. Or maybe that was a little dramatic.

There, at the far left of the room was a loooong dining table. At said table, there sat four creatures.

Number one was a monochrome clown with pointed teeth.

An array of sugery confections, mostly sweets, were rapidly disappearing down the dark hole of doom... his mouth.

Number two and three were boys, shoving large spoonful of cheesecake into their mouth.

One was wearing a orange hoodie and the other had a feminine mask on top of his head.

Last was a boy wearing black mouth guard and orange goggles.

There was a plate of steaming waffles in front of him, but he does not seem to be eating them.

Oh no; his attention seems to be mostly focused on teasing the masked boy. Who might be about to explode from irritation.

Why they were eating breakfast food at dinnertime is probably not something you should ask them. Probably.

"Those are Masky, Hoodie and Ticci Toby; they are my proxies. The clown you see there eating candy beside them? He's called Laughing Jack, or L.J for short."

Slender said from beside you, following your gaze.

Forgetting that he was still there, you let out a soft "meep!"

Well, you thought it was soft. Everyone's turned to face you the moment the word left your mouth.

The room became utterly silent, so much so that one could hear a pin drop.

Actually, that was the screw that came loose from the ceiling fan that was swinging at high speed.

You gulped at the sudden attention, forcing your head to trail towards the couch.

A television was switched on featuring some kind of horror movie. 
Screams were blaring out from the ginormous speaker situated on either side of the tv.

A boy with a dark blue mask hanging at his neck was oozing some kind of black sludge from his eye sockets.

You found yourself wondering if they were edible. The author thinks the reason why you thought that was probably due to your mind going a little unhinged.

Unlike the others, he was paying no attention to you whatsoever. In fact, he seems to be otherwise occupied with eating a hunk of... something.

There were also two Links, both staring at you with undisguised curiousity.

You found that quite freaky, especially the blonde-haired one. He was crying tears of blood and doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

A random thought popped into your head. One that the author would rather not discuss it.

But it was something involving an item starting with the letter 'T', a certain time of the month and shoving said item into his eyes.

The snowy haired one have you no such problems, only that he looked like a person who just stepped out of a black and white photograph.

Sally broke the tense atmosphere by speaking in a cheerful voice that seemed much too loud in the silence.

"Okay everyone, this here is my new playmate. Her name is (y/n). Please be nice to her and do not kill her."

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