Chapter 2- That Devil You Call My Father

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Chapter 2 - That Devil You Call My Father

Serena Diamond
So far my weekend has been great, my dad has not come home ever since I last saw him which was Tuesday. Awesome right? I am currently packing my bags to leave this hell hole. My bestfriend Jenni is coming to get me, i'm going to be living with her from now on. I thought I was going to sound too needy by asking her if I could stay with her but she is literally like my family, the only one I have right now. I dropped my bags and decided to give her a call.


"What's up ma bish!''

"Hey Boo!''

"How are you my love?"

"I am okay babes, just so ready to leave this hell hole now."

"Man your dad still hasn't been home yet?"

''No girl.''

"Damn, he is seriously messed up in every way possible. Enough of the negative talk though, I am on my way. I don't like the idea of you staying there each second that passes by, its not safe at all.''

" I know sis.'' I let out a sigh.

"I'll be there in ten. Don't keep me waiting, you know what my crazy ass will do."

"Girl hush I've been ready, don't worry."

"Haha ok see ya.''

"Wait Jen." I spoke suddenly.

"Yes boo?"

"Thank you so much for everything, you do not even understand how grateful I am.''

"Awee boo, it's all good, what are big Sisters for?''

"Awe, true. I love you''

"I Love you too girl."

I ended the phone call.

Oh how I love her. Let me tell you a little bit about Jenni. She's mixed with black and cuban, 5'7, she has light brown curly hair that sits perfectly on her head. Jenni is a person where if you mess with her family or her she won't take you lightly. That girl can fight man, but it all comes down to her being the sweetiest person you could ever meet. Jenni has a boyfriend named Jamar, he lives with her because he got thrown out of the house due to his mom's boyfriends son.. long story. Anyway I was cut short out of my thoughts when I heard honking outside.

I looked through the windows and saw that It was Jen. I grabbed my bags and unlocked the door and saw Jenni coming out of her car door, damn she looks good, oh and did I tell y'all that she's thick as hell. I ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug I could ever give.

"Ahh I missed you so fucking much Rena!!" She yelled, while still embracing the hug.

"Me too boo, me too!" I said while facing her.

"You know what let's catch up at home. I made dinner I know that you are hungry. Jamar is at home excited to see you, but let's be getting home now because I don't like standing out here in the dark."

We put my bags in her car and started heading to her house. While we were in the car, we where catching up on life and laughing at unessessary things.
We finally reached her house and I got my bags out. We walked to her doorstep and she unlocked the door, her house really hasn't changed to tell you the truth, the tv is still in tacked, so are the couches. I was again cut out of my thoughts when I felt two muscular arms wrapped around me and hugging me tight. It was Jamar.

"Damn girl I've missed you so much." He said still holding me tight.

"I missed you too Jamar." I said placing my hands on his back giving him a hug back.

He let go of me, and that's when I got to get a good look at him. Damn Jamar has not changed a bit, he is still fine. His perfect shade of carmel skin, both full sleeves of tattoos, dark brown eyes, just how i remembered him. To tell you guys a secret Jamar and I were friends way before Jenni came into the picture. I knew Jamar ever since 6th grade and started crushing on him not too long ago after that. Jenni now came and took him away, but I never had the courage to tell her so I just kept it to myself, Jamar knows, and we have promised to keep the last a secret. No worries though, I would never do anything to hurt Jenni.

Jamar went to go put my bags in the guest room, where I will be staying.

Jenni Goldfisher
"So girl, what's been up with you?" Serena asked.

"Oh girl, same old just missed my Bunchies." I said, Bunchie is her nickname I gave her as a child.

"Awee I feel so special." She said while blushing. Wait, I forgot to ask about her obsession.

"Well boo you are, are you still in love with Chris Brown?" I asked. She took a second and gave me a crazy look and said.

''Yes, DUH!''

"Well excuse me, I can just imagine your scary ass meeting him."

"Don't even get me start--" She was cut off by Jamar.

"Umm hello a nigga hungry." He said which made the both of us burst into laughter.

"Ok lets eat." Serena spoke while walking towards the table.

We ate until we were extremly full. It was so fun catching up together, it almost reminded me of how we were in high school when we would have our afternoon lunches together. After dinner, Bunchies and I cleared the table and washed the dishes.


"Today was so nice." I said while helping Serena unpack her clothes.

"It really was." She smiled.

"So happy that you are finally happy, but I am getting tired I'm going to leave you have some time alone, See you in the morning Boo."

"Aww ok night love." She said giving me a hug.

"Night Night Babes.'' I said hugging back.

Serena Diamond
As soon as Jen left I decided to call it a night as well.

I took a hot shower, brushed my teeth, and washed my face, said my prayers and climbed onto the bed. I then thought to myself before I closed my eyes. I will wake up early in the morning and do something special for Jen and Jamar. Before I knew it I was slowly falling asleep, happy to know that I'm out of that hell hole and away from that devil you call my father.

I slick don't know about this chapter guys but I hope this story is coming up good so far. Sorry for the mistakes if I messed up. I was in a slight rush. Anyway, give me feedback.

~Camille <3

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