Dear Fans

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Dear fans...

Few years from now, You'll smile remembering how many fan fictions you've written and fanfics you'd read with your bias as the main character.

And you'll remember downloading all their songs in your phone and not eating snacks and lunch to save money just to buy their new album.

Few years from now, you'll laugh about how you saved their new pictures on your flashdrives up until it was full and buy another to save more.

You'll remember how many people disliked you, judged you, didn't understand you, but you didn't care because you believe in them.

You'll remember how some people insulted them, saying they're "a waste of time" and how you defended them with all your heart.

Few years from now, you'll smile wondering how weird you were when you cried with them when they won and how you felt bad when they lose.

You shed lots of tears, got angry, got hurt. Yet you didn't care because they gave you strength. Because you're his fangirl and he's your bias.

Few years from now, you'll remember how happy you were when you bought their concert ticket and how excited you are to finally see them.

You'll remember how hard you shouted while holding their banners and your lightstick they went into the stage.

You'll laugh remembering how stupid you were when you tried hard to record their whole performance perfectly but failed because of too much feels.

And how you waved your hand aggresively and screamed just for him to noticed you even for just a second.

You'll remember being pushed and stepped on by other crazy fans who were equality obsessed with him just like you but you could'nt care less.

You were stepped on. Tired, yet you didn't care. Because they make you happy. And that night was like a fairytale.

Few years from now, that day will come... When he already found the girl he loves. And the worst part is... it's not you.

You'll smile bitterly remembering how he said he loves you too. but with her-- it was different... really different.

You'll remember how he said he wouldn't be there in his place right now of it wasn't because of you.

You smile sheepishly remembering searching up the "girl" on the internet. How you cried thinking how that girl can make his heart flutter.

Wondering how she was the only that can completely turn his world around. But not you despite of how many years you loved him.

He with someone else not you. That fact shattered your heart. Though it is hard, you'll smile because his happiness is your happiness.

You'll remember how he said and meant, she's the one for him. You told yourself to wake up. That he don't know you at all.

Despite all those nights you stayed up to get him to notice you. Despite all the arguments you've had with your parents just to see him...

Despite all the hate you recieved. Despite how you loved him as much as you loved yourself...

Despite of all those restless hours you waited at the airport just to get a wave from him... Despite all of these, he can't love you.

He loves your fandom but not you alone. He don't even know that you exist. Because you're just a fangirl. Nothing more.

Few years from now. You'll remember how he broke your heart, how he made you cry, how many people said that you should let go.

How you should forget him because he is a waste of time. Yet you hold on, looked up to him, cherished him even though you know he can't be yours.

And then you'll cry remembering the reason why you hold on. Because you loved him. You love that one special group, and that was never a lie.

                     The end

Thanks for crying
with me if you do...


Thinh positive guys :)

Dear Fans (One shot)Where stories live. Discover now