Fuck The Rainbows

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Louis was a very...traditional man. Being raised by his grandparents, he was taught their beliefs and opinions. The things they were taught as children. Because of this, Louis could be seen as arrogant. Which, was partly true but it wasn't all his fault.

He never had a father. He didn't know who his father was. His mother was--according to his grandparents--a slut. Well, they never said it like that, they'd prefer the words 'sexually active' but either way she was a slut and she had various partners when Louis was conceived. Too many to count, all of which were unknown to Louis and his grandparents. His father could potentially be any man in England.

His mother passed away merely weeks after Louis' birth. His grandparents didn't like talking about it much but apparently she came down with some nasty illness and in the span of three days, she died.

Talking about his parents didn't upset him. He never knew them so their wasn't really a them to miss. He couldn't talk about them around his grandparents though because that really upset them and he'd occasionally get a slap on the back of the head.

His beliefs and opinions somewhat contradicted those of other people of his time and age. He didn't like blacks, hated them really. He thought they were all dirty criminals and that they didn't deserve to be treated as equals with white people. He wouldn't be associated with the nigros. People called him racist, he preferred the word 'correct'.

He believed that it was wrong to have sex with anyone if you were not married to them. Sex before marriage was a sin and those who partook in that crime were surely dammed to hell. This opinion could be thought of as acceptable but the way Louis handled his opinion was not.

But his biggest belief, the one that overruled the rest was his opinion on gays. He thought gays were just vermin, polluting the earth with their disgusting ways. That their was no point in gays existing if they're going to mutilate each others butt holes and not reproduce with a woman. He hated the fags.

Harry was a very open minded man. His mother raised him to accept everybody, go through life with a smile and love everybody. She was a good woman and he had never loved anybody more than her, and his sister of course.

Once upon a time he had a step dad, Robin was his name. Harry adored him, saw him as the father figure he never had. The two of them spent all their time together, doing father son activities and making up for all the time Harry lost as a child, not having a father.

His mother and Robin were madly in love and it made his heart swell. He loved love. He saw the way Robin smiled at his mother when she wasn't looking. How his mothers mood would instantly pickup if she was having a bad day and Robin cracked one of his horrible jokes. It was beautiful.

But when Harry was fifteen and he came out to his family as gay, all that ended. Robin replied to him saying it was just a phase. Harry knew it wasn't, he had felt this way about boys ever since he could remember. He then said that he knew a man who could help him. Who could fix him and stop him from being gay.

Harry was broken hearted and his mother was furious. His coming out led to countless fights between Robin and Anne. They would be screaming from sunrise to sunset. All while Harry was crying in his older sisters arms. She was understanding about his sexuality and her opinion on him stayed the exact same when he came out to her.

Harry watched as Robin and Anne fell out of love, and all the affection they felt towards one another switched to hatred. Soon enough Robin packed his bags and left.

He tried to pretend he couldn't hear his mothers weak sobs at night. He knew she tried to muffle them with her pillows but it never worked, they had thin walls.

After that, although Harry was raised to love everyone and accept everybody's ideas and opinions, he absolutely hated homophobes.

. . .

Louis is a homophobe. Harry is gay. When the two of them meet at a pride parade they don't exactly hit it off, especially since Louis is protesting against Harry. Louis wants to fûck the Rainbows, maybe in more than one way.

Disclaimer: I don't mean to offend anyone with this story idea. I consider myself very open minded and I am not against any races, sexualitys or religions.

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