Plot Twist [TAKEN]

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Frida is hopelessly in love with the boy next door. Ethan Smith. She has loved him for almost six years, admiring him through her window which luckily happens to face his bathroom window.

Her friends tease her, making fun off her stupid obsession with the boy that will never notice her. A few years ago when she almost slipped up and let the entire class know who it was that she liked, she decided to make a codename for him. Something she could refer to him as, that made sense and wasn't too obvious.

So now she refers to him as Senpai.

She's aknowledges the fact that he will never notice her, nor love her back. She isn't happy with it, but she realises it.

So she spends her days watching him laugh and smile with his friends, constantly cracking his gorgeous knuckles and his neck, showing off his perfect jawline and sometimes she's lucky enough to watch him play soccor with the rest of his friends. Pretending that she's "cheering on her friend Dylan".

But one day when her family goes over to his home to have a dinner between friends and his mother sends her up to his room. She makes a shocking discovery.

Dozens of photos of her are hung up on his walls. Photos of her checking the mail, photos of her with her friends. Even drawings of her.

She even finds a small note hung up on the wall saying.

When will she notice me?

Plot twist; Senpai wanted her to notice him.

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