" what was that....!!???  What did u do before...!!!
How dare you to leave me in such state..., and yes...  dnt think that  u have any effect on me..., miss. Lathika... 
  I was just enjoying out there...  n dnt u feel that iam  lusting u or something.....  It was ntng for me....  "
..........said Nivaan looking at her vth such fuming eyes.., that definately.., gave chills near Lathikas spine..

Tears rolled in her eyes..., listening to such harsh words ..., and  she pushed him again vth all her force and gave a look to him...

That look.., has got lot of questions in them
as y was she blamed for something.., which she had nt even imagined  in her dreams...
y was she being treated lyk a piece of crap by every single person in her lyf... 
was she worthless to everyone...!!?
Y was she.., frm all  of them...,  that he had to chose..!!! did she asked him.... !!!!?? 

Lathika was trying to find the answers..., and she just stood there for a second looking deep into his eyes..

Bt those eyes were filled vth ego.. Hatred and lot more that she couldnt face them any longer and started to leave the place...

But Nivaan grabbed her hand from behind and said...,
" wait... iam nt done yet... look at me... Miss. Lathika Menon.. "
....he said and tried to pull her bt lathika this time with all her force freed herself from him vthout caring to look at him and started to leave...

Nivaan didnt liked this ignorance... and that too when he wanted her to stay....

He quickly went forward  and vth all his force pulled her back...


But  instead his force had such  effect that....
Nivaan instead of pulling her back.., ended up ripping her dress at her back...


Lathika stopped right there..., vth this sudden cruel act of Nivaan...

Nivaan tooo stood rooted as he didnt wanted  to rip of her dress..


There was this silence filled around there for a minute that  even the  slow sound of wind is much audible to both of them.

Thats when Nivaan came to his senses and saw that the road side people were watching them and he was unaware abt it till then...
He quickly came forward and took of lathika dupatta frm her and tried to cover her back..


Lathika didnt had any bits of strength left in her body and her brain stopped working ...

Nivaan then found the reason  of why lathika chooses to wear collared dresses everytime...

Yess...Her secret is now revealed.... one more  scar that had lot to tell abt her bitter past is now revealed....

As Nivaan tried to cover her up.., he saw that there was this  vertical scar which must have formed after the stitches  had taken off..

"Leave me sir.... pls...  let me go..."
....... lathika composed herself and said struggling to free herself frm Nivaan..

Nivaan felt bad for what he had done....
His anger took over his sense and behaved lyk a beast....

But he never lets any regrets in his account....
Not this tym.., when he had done something soo cruel...


"Come vth me Lathika... "
...... he finally said and his tone was soo gentle and just  normal than ever as if there was a transformation in just few minutes...

Ruthless Obsession                                                  (Completed)√Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ