The Start Of It All

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Dick and Bruce just got done fighting Joker, Harley Quinn, and Killer Croc. They return to the Wayne Manor. Everyone is sleep besides Dick. Dick talks to Bruce while he was sleep.

Dick(Robin): Sorry Bruce, Ive been working with you since I was nine and now I'm seventeen. Dont get me wrong I was totally committed to the eight years I spent working aside you, butIm tired of being Boy Wonder and tired of being you little puppet. Its time I made a name for myself.

Dick steals the motorcycle keys and drives off into the night. He looks up at the sign saying "Now leaving Gotham City, New Jersey." Hours laters he looks at the sign saying "Now entering Jump City, California. Dick's motorcycle ran out of gas so he started to walk towards the Holiday Inn.

Elderly Woman: Stop! That girl just stole my purse.

Dick goes to chase after the person who stole the woman's purse.

Dick(Robin): Hey! Stop! That purse doesn't belong to you.

Thief: Stay Out of this man!

Dick(Robin): Just stop running and let me return the woman's purse please, I wont ask again.

Thief: See ya around kid

The thief speeds up and Dick gets madder. Dick ran into an ally and switched to Robins costume. He jumped wall to wall and ran a crossed the roof. He jumps off when he is in front of the thief.

Robin: Going somwhere

Thief: Uh, um

Robin: Im listening

Thief: Your Boy Wonder, your Robin. Can you give this to Batman

Robin: What the heck is this supposed to be?

Thief: Its a statuette of Batman I made when I was third grade.

Robin looks at the statuette and looks back at the thief and punches him in his face.

Robin: My name is Robin, and Im not Batman's sidekick.

Thief: Ta- Take the purse man, its all yours.

Robin takes the purse and finds the elderly woman where Dick seen her at last.

Robin: Hers you go ma'm I believe this belongs to you.

Elderly Woman: Oh, thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done if I lost this.

Robin: No problem ma'm but I gotta go.

The next morning, back in Gotham City.

Bruce(Batman): Alfred

Alfred: Yes, Master Bruce

Bruce(Batman): Have you seen Dick.

Alfred: No sir, according to this note he left here he has left the state of New Jersey.

Bruce(Batman): Damn it!

Bruce goes to Dick's room in the Wayne Manor

Bruce(Batman): Barbra hack the chip in is Bat-Phone

Barbra(Oracle): I prefer to be called Oracle.

Bruce(Batman): Just do it!

Barbra the original Batgirl, now Oracle does as told.

Barbra(Oracle): Um, Bruce.....

Bruce(Batman): What?!

Barbra(Oracle): It says that his bat phone is located upstairs in his room.

Bruce(Batman): The kids smart, he knew I would be looking for him. See of you can look him up, when he first got here I put a chip in his head just in case of emergencies, and I wasn't here.

Barbra does as Bruce says.

Barbra(Oracle): I found him, it says he's in Jumpcity, California?

Bruce(Batman): Well then, Alfred pack your bags, it looks like were going to Jumpcity.

Back in Jumpcity California. Dick's phone rings.

Dick(Robin): Hello.....

Damian Wayne: My dad, Alfred, and Barbra are on their way to your location. My dad put a chip inside your head when you first became Robin and did your first mission.

Dick(Robin): Thanks Batboy

Damian Wayne: Thats not my name, I am the future Robin

Dick(Robin): Your right when I retire you can be him

Dick ends the call, leaves the motel and registers to Jumpcity High.

Thanks For Reading The First Chapter Of Teen Titans....

Chapter Two: Robin meets the future Teen Titans

Written By: Jaheim Greene
Date By: September 2, 2016

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