By the King - a Proclamation

Start from the beginning

Tremaine sighed heavily as she continued to the girls' room. "Well don't just stand there! Bring up the breakfast trays at once!"

That certainly didn't answer Camila's question. But she knew better than to keep the girls waiting for food. They could really eat like pigs when they were that hungry. Then again, look who they were raised by. Turning on her heel, Camila left the broom against the wall and headed to the kitchen to gather the morning food. Down beside her, Raven and Dinah exchanged confused looks. They couldn't help but wonder what really got Tremaine on edge today. Something big was definitely going on. It was just a matter of what. Was Tremaine finally getting some plastic surgery to make her look attractive? Were they selling Lucifer to a cat dealer? Were they finally going to take off their Halloween costumes? Oh wait, those were their faces.

"Wonder what's a matta." Raven said to Dinah.

"Uh-huh. What up wit lady?" Dinah asked, pointing up to where the stepmother had gone.

"I jus asked dat." Raven replied.

Dinah put her finger to her chin. "Oh yeah." she realized.

"C'mon DJ. Les find out." Raven said grabbing her friends arm. They ran over to one of the many well hidden mouse holes in the room. The squeezed through it and climbed up through the house to get to one of the stepsisters' rooms. Knowing Tremaine, she'd visit her younger daughter first. Knowing exactly where to go, Raven led Dinah on the tiny path into Lucy's room. By the time the mice got in there, hiding safely behind the ends of one of the curtains, Tremaine was already in there insisting that Lucy get up.

"Lucy! Lucy wake up!" Tremaine demanded as she turned on the lights.

From under her lacey blankets, Lucy yawned. She pulled off her sleep mask and rubbed her eyes. "Not now, Mother. I'm still tired. Just wake me up when the crumpits are ready."

"There are no crumpits for breakfast." Tremaine replied as she opened up the curtains, though luckily enough didn't see Raven or Dinah as they already jumped back into the mouse hole. "Get up and come to your sister's room immediately. We haven't a moment to lose!" With that, Tremaine exited and went next door to Keana's room. But knowing Lucy still wouldn't get up so easily, the stepmother yelled once more before opening the door. "I said get up, Lucy!" She then stormed into Keana's room, half almost eager looking and half annoyed. The news she was about to share with her daughters were the biggest thing to happen in years. But of course because they were so lazy and cranky in the morning, if it got Camila annoyed then it really drove Tremaine crazy. Speaking of Camila, Tremaine wouldn't even think to share the news with that girl. To Tremaine, Camila was just a servant girl; this would be of no importance to her. Besides there was no way in heck that the girl could even stand a chance with this; she'd been home that night balling her eyes out like the worthless dog she was - or so Tremaine assumed.

"Keana." Tremaine said as she entered the overly pink decorated room. "Keana!"

From a pair of candles in their holders attatched to the wall, Dinah and Raven peered through them to see what was going on. They stayed descretely hidden, only keeping the wax on their heads and the rest of their bodies in the holders. The pair watched as Tremaine shook - or from what they thought, slapped - Keana's bed trying to wake her up.

"Get up this instant Keana!" Tremaine repeated as she then went to turn on one of the lights.

Her head under the pillow to try and block out her mother's voice, Keana finally gave in. She yawned and sat up, though still kept the pillow against the back of her head. "What for? Why do we have to get up so early?"

"The whole kingdom's talking about it!" Tremaine exclaimed. "The whole kingdom!"

"We got that, Mother." Keana yawned.

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