"You know" Jenko let out in a mean voice. "This past month I really thought there was a tiny chance that we could become friends. Or at least bear each other." She then looked down at her. "I guess I was wrong."

Aouch. Mal didn't know what to do. If I say we really are friends, she'll either make fun of me, or be a total bitch because she doesn't like attachment and friendship and stuff. But if I say sorry, she'll think I'm weak. She knew she fucked up. She was the only one on the team to know her secret, and promised her not to be judgmental.

She decided to speak anyway.

"I care".

Jenko raised her eyebrow. "You care ?"

"Yes, I care. I care about how unhealthy it is because I don't want you to end up in a street somewhere." Mal explained with a confident tone. She then said : "I guess I care about you, even though I reluctantly admit it."

"Why 'reluctantly' ?"

"Because you're a bitch !" Mal exclaimed. "And you make fun of me all the time, you're mean, egoist, you don't give a shit about everything, and most importantly... You know the real me. A person I've been trying very hard to hide."

The blonde was truly surprised. She still had her pot on her hand, and took a look at it. She knew Mal was right. But she also was pretty confused with her reveal.

She just looked at Mal silently.

"I know it's lame." the brunette let out. "But I don't want you to smoke anymore."

Jenko frowned.


Mal was so surprised that she let a small "what" out.

"Yeah. I'm not, like..." Jenko said, looking for the right words. "Nobody ever told me they cared."

"What about that old lady ?"

"I respect her because of all she's done for me. But she never told me to stop smoking. I usually was the little white girl that was doing drugs. Nobody cared if I ended up selling my body on the street."

"That's not fair" Mal said, really feeling sad. "You don't deserve this."

"Maybe I do."

She wasn't sure why, but Mal suddenly felt a rage growing inside of her. She didn't want Jenko to be hard on herself. She didn't want people to judge her. Or touch her. Or kiss her. Or anything.

Mal frowned, as Jenko was looking at the ground.

"Don't you fucking say that" she murmured.

The keeper looked up. "Mallory... Uhm, why are you so, like... Close ?" Jenko asked, feeling uneasy.

Mal just noticed that her hand was on the keeper's leg. She immediately took it back, while getting up slowly.

"Sorry, that's how I help people feeling better" she lied, before cursing herself. "Anyway, the point is-"

"Hug me."

Mal almost chocked in her saliva. She looked at Jenko as if she was a ghost or something.

"Hug me, please" the keeper asked, blushing.

It was the first time Mal had seen her blush. She knew Jenko wasn't feeling comfortable with people.

The brunette carefully sat next to her and opened her arms. Jenko leaned closer to her and rested her head on Mal's shoulders. They remained in that position, so close to each other that they could feel each other's heartbeat. Mal felt the butteflies in her stomach. I am screwed. Mal closed her eyes.

Jenko sighed. "I haven't have a hug in years." she let out. "The last person was my mom".

They stopped the hug, and Mal bit her lips. She felt honored.

"Okay" Jenko suddenly said, as Mal was opening her mouth. "I swear I won't smoke, but I need to change so can you please-"


She got up and went out of the room, convinced that there still was a go back. I can't like her. Everything will go back to normal. I hope it was pity butterflies.

But she knew it wasn't.

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