Chapter 7 - The Fourth Little Musketeer.

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"F-f-fire!" I stuttered out as I turned around, seeing a bright spark light up the grey tin foil.

I ran over, dropping the can of Pringles I hid from Isabella and Kaitlyn so they wouldn't eat them. I stopped the microwave, pulling open the door. Luckily, the fire wasn't exactly a fire, more like a spark but I'm Bethany Willow, the most exaggerating person on the planet.

What do I do, what do I do... I knew I should have paid more attention when Mom was telling me what to do when there was a fire when I was a kid.

Water! That's what they do right?

I grabbed a pair of tongs, grabbed the plate, ran over to the sink, and dropped it in and turned on the tap. The spark went out quickly, as bits of black ash floated in the sink. I turned off the tap and stared at the grey wrap, debating something. To eat or not to eat?

I may not have paid attention in fire safety but I did pay attention in English to know I just quoted Shakespeare.

Sort of.

I debated my options. Kaitlyn and Isabella just left for the gym to work out and wouldn't be back for a few hours. This was the only meal we currently had in our fridge... I'm starving...

I grabbed the sandwich, unwrapping the burnt paper from the sandwich. The chicken and lettuce sandwich itself was a little bit soggy, but nothing too damaging.

I put it back on the plate, and back into the microwave.

When the microwave timer blared, signaling my food was ready, I got up, taking it from the microwave, and sat down cross legged on my bed, munching away.

I turned on the TV and an old episode of Teen Wolf was playing. I sat back with my sandwich, and watched.

This was the last day before classes officially started, and I had a feeling I wouldn't have much time to relax anymore. My plan was to enjoy this day with Tyler Posey, Dylan O'Brien, my sandwich and quiet.

Kaitlyn and Isabella's idea of spending their last days of freedom was to do as many butt squats as possible to ensure that the guys at this place would have something to hit on.

The cherry on top was Tiffany and Brooke making my university experience hell, just like they did in high school, and I knew tomorrow was going to be a long day.


"Ugh." I said as I plopped down at a table with Isabella and Kaitlyn. It was the first day of classes today, and by the time lunch came around I was already exhausted. I mean, I only went to two classes, Creative Writing and Political Science. Well, okay, creative writing was kind of fun. I had Professor McKay for that one, and she was the best at keeping her students interested and entertained. But political science in 301 with Professor Goldenberg was horrible! He lectured us for 2 hours about who knows what, and then gave us a day to write a 15 page essay on some documentary. It was mandatory to attend all classes the first week, but once things got into a routine, we could start following our schedules.

The three of us started digging into our pizza, it was amazing. Just as i finished up my first slice and reached for my second, I felt a tap on my left shoulder. I turned around to see a pretty girl that looked our age. She had bright orange hair, and chocolate brown eyes. The girl was smiling and holding a lunch tray with a single slice of hawaiian pizza, and a diet coke.

"Hi!" she said "Sorry to bother you but all the other tables are full and I'm new here so I don't have anybody else to sit with." She bit her lip and looked over to the table to see Izzy and Kait.    

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