Chapter 3 - BURGER KING!

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"WAKE UP!" A voice shouts, interrupting my dream about Justin Bieber performing an exclusive concert in my bedroom. It was an amazingly awesome dream.

"What?" I say, annoyed at the voice that awoke me. "What do you want at this ungodly hour?" I groan, pulling the covers over my head in hope to get at least 5 more minutes of sleep.

"You have to pack! We leave for University in an hour!" My other best friend, Kaitlyn says, clapping her hands to wake me up. She knew the sound irritated me in the morning.

"Okay, okay, I'm up." I said, slipping out of the blanket and rubbing my eyes.

I took a look at my crumpled pyjamas and touched my messy head of bed hair. Why is it considered so sexy to have bed hair in movies? Like it's hideous in real life.

I look back at Kaitlyn who was waiting me, and told her I'd be right back. I walked over to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Then I asked Kaitlyn to pass me some clothes while I brushed my teeth.
I changed into a pair of white shorts and a light blue tank top. Lastly I put my hair up into a high ponytail and walk out of my bathroom.

Kaitlyn helped me pack up the things I needed for our dorm, that we would also be sharing with Isabella. Clothes, makeup, my Black & Co. collection, books, you know, the essentials.

In an hour, we managed to get all my things into boxes, and packed up into Kaitlyn's car. I hugged Shadow and told her I'd visit even though she couldn't understand me, but she licked my nose and that was good enough for me. Now, it was time for the hard part.

"Oh, sweetie, we're going to miss you so much! It's not going to be the same with our only child gone! Oh what are we going to do Bryan?" My dear mother cried. Tears streamed down her face as she held me in a tight hug. Seeing my mother like this made me want to shed tears as well but I held it in for her sake.

I moved on to Dad, who was also close to tears but held it in. "Bethany, I'm so incredibly proud of you. You're going to university!" My father exclaimed proudly. He had the proudest smile on his face as he looked at me. "I can already see it. Bethany Willow. Top Journalist for Toronto Star Newspaper." He gestured the line in the air, spreading his hands apart. I laughed. He always knew how to cheer me up.

"Thanks Daddy. I love you." I say, hugging him tight. I turned back to my mom. "I love you Mom," I say, giving her another hug. Then, my Dad came in for a big family group hug.

"I love you both. Take care of yourselves. I'll call every week." I promised, breaking the hug. I walked over and got into Kaitlyn's car, where she was waiting for me.

"We love you! Stay safe! Don't party too late! Don't drink too much!" Mom shouts from the porch. "No boys!" Dad says after. I laughed because I knew I wouldn't be caught up into any of that stuff.

"Love you too!" I shout back, as we drove away. I knew it would be hard to leave my parents and Shadow. I would miss them so much. But I'm 19 now, and it was about time I start my life.

Suddenly Stitches by Shawn Mendes came on the radio and Kaitlyn and I started singing along like maniacs. We got honks from the cars around us because we were being too loud but we didn't care.

We made it to UofT in 1 hour. We got out of the car, and started lugging our boxes to the section of the university reserved for the dorm rooms. We got our keys from the same old lady at guest services we saw when giving in the lost keys.

Me and Kaitlyn walked over to our dorm, which was on the 3rd floor. Once we got to room 308, we halted, looking at the locked door. I took out the keys and put them in. They fit perfectly. I pushed the rest of the door open and Kaitlyn and I absorbed the room.

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