Chapter 4 - Rude Dude.

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Just as I raised my fist to knock another time, the door swung open.

The first thing my view landed on, was a very shirtless chest, at my eye level. My eyes traveled up to lean shoulders like you see on those football players on tv. Finally, my curious grey eyes stopped moving, staring back at a pair of dark hazel eyes.

He had jet black hair, that matched his black sweatpants that hung low on his hips. Great going with the super tight, slutty pyjamas Bethany.

"What do you want?" The guy said, with a familiar raspy voice. I was a little taken aback with the bluntness and rudeness of this stranger but I shook it off and started talking.

"My roommates and I are trying to sleep, we were wondering if you could turn down your music a bit?" I asked politely.
Despite his rudeness, I wanted our neighbors to think we were nice. Besides, making him pissed probably wouldn't help this situation. He stared down at me with a cold, emotionless face.

"No." He says, slamming the door in my face, almost hitting my nose. This boiled my blood. I raised my fist to knock again, this time, hard and with aggression.

This time he didn't answer the door, instead raising the volume up a notch. I groaned, knowing there was no use trying again, and went back to my room. I debated calling the dorm supervisors but decided against it. I did not want to be seen as a party-pooper on my first night here.

I climbed back into my bed. I'll have to at least try to get some sleep if I'm going to wake up early tomorrow.


The earliest you could sign up for courses was 8:00 am. That is, if you wanted the good ones. The later you were, the less options you would get. So getting no sleep at all, Isabella, Kaitlyn and I, were going to have to wake up at 6:00 am so we could get there extra early.

Last night, I checked the time when rude dude was playing his music. It was 4:00 am. 4:00 am. Who in their right mind does that at 4:00 am? So I'm sure that I got less than two hours of sleep. Go me.

I rolled over to the side of my bed, and hit my alarm clock, which was buzzing loudly. I groaned as I walked out of the bedroom, and headed towards the bathroom to take a shower. Isabella and Kaitlyn were awake already, shuffling like zombies around the room.

I started up the water and got into the shower, using all my favourite body products. When I was done, I was dying to put on my unicorn onesie and just go out like that. But with this heat, I knew that it was gonna have to be as less clothing as possible. I pulled out some dark blue jean shorts, and a black tank top. Putting my hair in a messy bun because I had no energy to properly do it, I checked my phone to see that I got a bunch of new Instagram followers. I was now at 6,336. I do have quite the Instagram feed.

I put on some mascara to make it seem like I at least tried to look presentable. I walked out into the living room, trying to find my black hightop converse.

Isabella and Kaitlyn walked out of the bedroom looking similar to me, their hair a mess, and their outfits just as plain as mine. But Kaitlyn did somehow manage to put on wedges and walk in them, so props to her.

The three of us walked out of our dorm, heading towards the guest services to ask where we can get our sign up for our classes.

A nice lady greeted us, different from the one we met before. This one was around 40 years old, with platinum blonde hair.

"Hello girls!" She said enthusiastically. We smiled in return.

"Hi," I said politely, although my body wanted me to scream and cry from no sleep, "do you know where we sign up for classes?"

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