Chapter 3 - Aaron's house?!

Start from the beginning

'I've missed you so much more!!' I looked up at her smiling, she was in lacy white stilettos which made her a lot taller than me, even though we were actually the same size.

She sighed, 'I'm so sorry, I thought I would only be a week! But then Gok came in with the head of his department who wanted me to design a new range with Alana Evans, the mean lady I told you about and I just couldn't-'

'Mum! Don't worry! I'm just glad you're here now!' I grinned up at her.

My mother is a fashion designer, an extremely famous one, in fact, she has her own company and she has her own fashion brand named after her, Janet Valentine. It's amazing having a mother who is a fashion designer,  I always have the best clothes in the fashion industry. The only downside is that she has to travel a lot, once I was younger I used to be able to go with her but now that I'm 17, I have to stay home and study. She'll, usually, only be gone for a week or two and I know she'd rather take me but she knows that my education is much more important.

'Me too, sweetheart. We need a catch up, how about a shopping trip and then a meal?' She smiled.

'Now?' I asked.

She nodded.

'Of course!' I replied.

'Which car?' My mum asked as we made our way to the driveway.

'Definitely mine, because, as much as I love them, you cannot drive in those.' I said as I gestured towards her heels.

'Excuse me? I can do anything in these bad boys, I can walk a tight rope in these!' She cried.

'Okay, okay, whatever you say.' I smiled as I jumped into the drivers seat.  It was so nice to be with my mum again.


'So, how are you and Aaron?' My mum asked, as she admired a lacy black wedding dress. The one question I had been dreading. It was now 6pm and we were just browsing around shops.

'Oh, um, well, you know?' I rubbed my arm slightly.

She suddenly put the dress down and stared at me wide eyed, 'What happened?'

'Well, nothing major.' I fibbed.

'Oh no, what did he do?!' She said as she walked out of the shop.

'I said nothing major, mum.' I smiled at her.

She smiled back and frowned, 'Yes, but your left eye also twitched, so it must be something major, please don't hide anything from me darling.' She grabbed my hand and her smile widened.

I smiled apologetically at her, 'Okay, I'll explain it all once we're at the meal.'

'Okay, sweetheart.' She smiled.


'HE DID WHAT?!?!?!!!!!' My mum shouted at the top of her lungs, causing people to stare at us.

'I don't really want to explain it again.' I replied quietly, before having one last spoonful of ice cream.

'RIGHT, WHERE IS HE?! HE'S GOING TO PAY! THAT LITTLE NASTY TWAT!!!!' She shouted as she dialed a number on her phone.

'Mum, please, shh,' I giggled, 'Who are you ringing?' I asked.

'Sorry about my language dear, and just Mindy.' She sighed angrily. Mindy was mum's assistant, Mindy was the nicest person you could ever meet, I've known her since I was 6, she is more like mum's sister rather than assistant, she's became so close to our family.

'NO ANSWER!!' My mum shouted, pulling me out of my thoughts.

'PLEASE TELL ME YOU HAD A GO AT AARON OR SLAPPED HIM!!' My mum shouted even louder.

The waiter suddenly came up to the table, 'Miss, please, I'm going have to ask you to lea-' She suddenly stopped once my mother looked up at her.

'Janet Valentine!!' She shouted loudly as she clapped her hands. 'I love your designs so much!'

My mum grinned at the waiter as she stood up, 'Thank you darling! Lovely to meet you....' her eyes darted to the name tag, 'Alessia, but I really must be going now, here's the money and here's a tip.'

I jumped up and smiled at Alessia, who looked stunned, before I walked out with my mum.

I looked at my mum who was now walking extremely fast, she made it seem like walking in heels was easy, her face was red and she looked very, very, very angry.

'I'll drive honey.' She said quickly, as we made our way to my car.

'Okay. But why?' I asked, struggling to keep up with her speed. I threw her the keys, which she skillfully caught.

'Mum?' I asked again, as we both jumped into the car.

'Hmm?' She replied bluntly, as she reversed out of the parking space.

'Where are we going?' I asked as I frowned.

She looked at me before she sped down the road and replied,

'Aaron's house.'

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