"Then you'll need the wig." He reminds me and I shake my head.

"What do you mean no?" He asks confused.

"I'm scheduled for an interview soon, as in soon I mean in a few hours and I'm telling everyone." I smile at him and he has a concerned look on his face.

"Are you sure? All your privacy will go away and there will be no way for you to go into public without being attacked by fans." He reminds.

"Yes, Lou, I am positive. I'm used to the fame and I can't go out in public with any of you guys unless I have the wig on anyway and if I get caught leaving your house without my wig there will be rumors about you cheating and we don't want that." I look up into his eyes.

"Okay. Do you want me to go on with you?" I nod. He leans in pecking my lips, a loving kiss.

"HEEYYYY!" I hear Niall yell as he walks into the kitchen.

"Niallll!" I yell hugging him, "Zaaynniee!" I yell hugging Zayn.

"Lii!!" I run over to him hugging him.

"We're gonna head to the store and get hair dye for Sam, you guys want to join us?"

"We're dying her hair? What color? Why?" Niall starts asking questions.

"Because, before I met you guys, my tips were dyed pink, purple, blue, and red then when I met you guys I just forgot 'bout it and never got it redone and since I'm announcing my identity today I figured I should look my best. Therefore I am getting my hair done." I smile.

"You're telling everyone?" Liam asks shocked and I nod.

"Today at 5, live television." Talking about it makes me nervous; everyone is going to know who I am. There's no hiding it now. I can't cancel 3 and half hour in advance. Maybe I could say my grandmother died suddenly and I need to go to the states. No, I have to go through with this, I can't cancel.

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