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            The coven house stood dark against the night, the large field surrounding it the perfect battlefront. They were already outside when they arrived and much to his relief they were only outnumbered by 2.

"My Lord." Called a voice from behind him, "Sorry I'm late, Yuki lost the way." Lolli chimed as they walked hand in hand out of the woods; he felt a touch of surprise who had sent them?

"Enrick." Yuki answered his blind eyes resting on Able.

"That sly devil, he's been spying hasn't he?" he questioned to which Yuki nodded his head yes.

"This is what you bring to fight me, riff raff and a blind vampire." Leon called across the open field, he felt himself laugh bitterly; he was one to talk none of his recruits were any more than 50 years undead.

"I wouldn't underestimate Yuki if I were you'll find him quite skilled, quiet old and quiet deadly." He snorted, "Let's be done with this." He seethed and in one breath they all charged towards each other.

Raising his blade above his head he countered Leon's first attack, then twisting he used a dagger he held in his waist band to slash out at Leon catching Leon off guard and slicing him open.

"First blood." He seethed, "Why do you insist on challenging me again I defeated you once before and you fled crawling back into whatever dark hole you came from." He finished then danced away from one of Leon's swings.

"You've been out of practice for 50 years though while you wallowed in your suffering from the beheading of that bitch...what was it Eli?" Leon scoffed causing Able to see a tinge of red which was exactly what Leon had wanted he saw as Leon sliced across his chest, "If you were oh so smart you wouldn't bother with such trivial human things such as love; it makes you weak."

"You're mistaken, it is love that gives me strength." He hissed, Aria's face passing before his eyes; he had to return.

The battle seemed to last for an eternity, Leon had become more skilled over the years and admittedly he was a touch rusty. Swinging again he sliced into Leon's shoulder as he attempted to withdraw his sword however Leon rammed him through. Blood spurted out of his mouth as searing pain shot through him causing him to stumble back a few steps.

"You really have gotten slow, what was it, Merciful Angel of Death...where has your mercy brought you to now?" Leon seethed.

"Right where I want to be." He growled out as he grabbed hold of Leon's blade as Leon tried to withdraw it, "I'm stronger than you'll ever be." He growled, more blood coming from his mouth; he knew he was hurt bad but he had to return.

Taking advantage of the situation he shoved his blade through Leon's chest cavity to the hilt then yanked up on it until it went up into his throat and he let out a gurgling noise.

"You have taken advantage of my mercy for the last time, tonight, to you, I am simply the Angel of Death." He hissed, then yanking his sword out he swung hard at Leon's neck causing his head to come clean off.

He watched the head roll as he sank to his knees, he was losing too much blood, Leon had pierced his lung and clipped his heart.

"Able!" he heard Bastian scream as blackness took him.

He had the feeling of flying as frantic murmurs surrounded him, "Take care of the bodies." Someone said.

"I've got him." Someone else said; faint scent of something burning.

It seemed he was drowning in darkness, a solemn noise coming from inside the dark; the sound of a cry that made his heart ache. There were shimmers of a scent that engulfed him then was quickly gone; lightening on his tongue. Somewhere in the dark he felt unbelievable warmth, it seemed to come and go with the scent. Still there was the crying, could someone please silence the cry!? He continued to float within the darkness for an eternity until finally there was sound other than the crying.

"Get her out, he is waking." A harsh voice called just as his senses zoned in on the scent; the mouthwatering scent.

His eyes flew open pin pointing the source, he felt mad as he lunged out of the bed towards it only to be caught in an iron grip which he clawed and gnashed at. Fear crossed her face though her eyes welled up her face finally registering.

"Get her out of here!" he screamed which made her jump and run behind the crowed that now stared at him, "God her blood, give it to me!" he screamed, madness again as he gnashed and clawed at the arms holding him back, "I said get her out!" he roared while wanting to rip her throat out at the same time, more madness as she was scooped up and carried from the room.

"Able!" she screamed and cried, "Able! Able!" she continued, "Take me back! Let go of me! Able!" She screamed again even though she was also frightened of him at that moment.

"You're mad with thirst right now." The voice of the one holding him hissed; he now realized it was Enrick, "You want to sink your teeth into something so bad then do it." Enrick growled then sliced open his arm, the scent of blood consuming him as he tore into Enrick's arm.

He drank and drank until Enrick violently shoved him away looking slightly paler than he usually was. Feeling satiated Able fell back on the bed; Aria's scent enveloped him telling him that he was in their room.

Another day it seemed passed, he sat up out of his death sleep and looked around, the sun shone through the cracks in the shutters, he watched as dust mots danced in the shafts of light.

"Where's Aria?" he questioned to the still figure of Bastian.

"Far away from you right now." Bastian replied in a snippy tone.

"Is there something wrong?" he questioned feeling irritation at Bastian's tone.

"Yes, you're mad." Bastian ground out at him, he felt confused at Bastian's words; he didn't feel mad, "You don't remember do you?" Bastian questioned.

"Remember what?" he tried to bring things to mind that might grant Bastian's attitude towards him but he couldn't get any clear ideas; his head felt hazy like it did when he woke from his long slumbers.

"You lunged at her, you wanted to drain herdry...the very same woman that carries your child within her and you wanted tokill her!" Bastian seethed, and all at once the memories hit him; the last facehe'd seen on her was fear but hadn't he heard her scream for him.

  © Eva Henderson, 2016 

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