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      Once they had returned to Able's apartment Enrick closed the door behind them and narrowed his gaze.

      "Where are the rest of the vials Able?" Enrick questioned.

      "None of your business." He snarled, "I'm not using as many as I was, I've only had two today."

      "You've got to get away from that stuff Able." Enrick snapped, "Especially now that there are evidentially other vampires moving in on you."

      "I've got this Enrick." He seethed.

      "How are you supposed to set up your territory boundaries if you're out of it half the time?"

      "I've got this Enrick!" he yelled, then remembering he now had a neighbor he dialed it back some, "You can leave now Enrick."

      "I'm not sure I really can." He growled out at him, "Everyone is still very concerned about you."

      "They can keep their concern." He snarled, "Now please, with all do respect, leave, before I have to get violent with you again Enrick."

      Enrick lowered his head then looked at the wall joining my apartment to hers, in the silence he could hear her humming and the two glasses clanking as water ran.

      "Every person in this building is your responsibility." Enrick said calmer, "It is our jobs to protect them not only from ourselves but from others as much now as it has always been, remember that." He said then turning he headed out the door waving over his shoulder then closing the door behind him.

      He felt exhausted, he knew how important it was to protect them, to establish territory and keep others from hunting in his and he knew they were all his responsibility. Grabbing up a vial from his secret stash he swigged it down then lay on his bed once more staring at the ceiling only this time a soft singing filled his ears. She was singing a song that was sang by a higher male voice coming from a radio, something about making love in melody and as he listened he realized it was actually a song about sex; his eyes drifted closed as her voice and the voice from the radio filled his ears.

      He woke to the sound of her door shutting, the sky outside of his window was dark, rolling over he looked at the clock, 10 pm, sitting up he rustled his hair. Listening closely he noted that she was leaving the apartment rather than entering.

      "Shit." He seethed at himself then quickly getting to his feet and heading out his own door.

      He followed her at a safe distance silently from behind trying to ignore the sway of her large hips. Her destination seemed to be in the same direction of the club he'd been frequenting, he racked his mind trying to think of what was in that direction and the only real place was the club.

      "You have got to be kidding me." He muttered to himself as she pulled her coat tighter around her, "Of all the places to go she has to walk right into a vampire den where that guy from earlier is bound to be." He continued as she opened the doors and went in.

      Continuing to follow her he watched as she took her coat off and hung it up, she now wore a pair of thigh ripped jeans and a semi tight, black, off the shoulder, corseted sweater; the corset of it caused her breasts to mound up and strain against the material. Approaching the counter she grabbed up a tray after a brief conversation with the bartender and began making rounds. Taking his usual booth he scooted towards the back where the shadows would hide him and watched her move around.

      "Haven't seen you in a few days, your stash finally run out?" Jinxs voice sounded in his ears then he heard the leather of the booth crunch as he sat down.

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