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   He felt his stomach and heart plummet as he shot up out of bed; a blood sweat had broken out on his forehead. Looking over he saw that Aria still slept and one shoulder of the shirt she wore had slipped down showing off an enticing span of her shoulder and collarbone. Reaching over he ran his fingers across it lightly, then leaning over he kissed her forehead; she didn't budge in her sleep. Getting up he went to her restroom and rinsed his face with water then using his hands he cupped water into his hair watching the water run red.

"Able?!" he heard her call out, grabbing a towel he rushed out to her, she sat up in the darkness looking around her hand filling the bed beside her; she was barely awake.

Her eyes were hazy from sleep as he wrapped his arm around her gently then using the free one to dry his hair. Kissing her cheek softy he gently pushed her back down with his hand and lying down beside her he allowed her to curl up to him as he buried his face in her hair; he couldn't say he loved her yet but she was most definitely important to him. He smiled to himself, even after seeing and learning of his darkness she still wanted to be close to him, it warmed him through and through.

"You were gone." She mumbled into his chest.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." He muttered then kissed her head, shifting she raised her face to his and made kissing lips, eagerly he pressed his lips to hers, tasting her, feeling the heat of them. Subconsciously he deepened the kiss which she accepted, gently he skimmed his hand down her side and cupping her hip he pulled her flusher with him; he couldn't seem to resist her. He'd felt this draw before, this seeming addiction to a taste and smell, he'd felt it with every one of his partners.

Breaking the kiss she rolled onto her back, as she couldn't lie on her favorite side currently due to the still stitched wound in her side. He watched in delight as her unbound breasts shifted and moved, the tiny nipples budding as the material of the shirt rubbed against them. Smiling to himself he reached over and lightly, teasingly tugged on one with his fingers causing it to harden more. Using his hand he cupped her breast and squeezed gently, he enjoyed the soft, squishy feel of them; they reminded him of the stress balls a psychologist might give you. Laughing at his own thoughts lowly he squeezed again, this time she let out a low groan. Pulling the shoulder of her shirt down further he kissed and nipped her neck, collarbone and shoulder causing goose flesh to break out all over her.

"Behave." She groaned lowly which caused him to laugh again.

"What if I don't want to, what if I said we had unfinished business." He taunted, nibbling her ear then flicking his tongue across her earlobe and her neck.

"I'd say I'm tired and my wound still hurts." She laughed.

Looking over he read her clock, it was time for her medicines the hospital had given her which included a mild pain reliever, "It's time for your medicines, so, I'll behave for now." He said nipping her earlobe and tugging on it gently; her earrings got in his way.

Getting up he went to her cabinet and took down her medicines and dumped them into his hand then grabbed her a glass of water and took them to her, "Sit up so you can take these." He said then climbing up behind her he put a leg on either side and held out his hands, grabbing the pills she popped them in her mouth then took a swig of water set her glass down then leaned into him; wrapping his arms around her he hugged her gently running his fingers across her hardened nipples occasionally.

"You know, it's nearly 10 am right." he questioned, though she couldn't tell because of the darkness her room darkening curtains caused; he thought them a marvelous creation for the young ones of his kind.

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