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      This is a work of fiction any similarities to persons live or dead is unintended. It is a work intended for those 18+, contains sexual content, some blood, and notions of drug usage.


With Love To:

      To my Mother, Victoria Lynn Irene Fletcher 17 October, 1950 - 27 August, 2006, thanks to her for always supporting my dreams, for being a soft hand to fall back on when the world seemed to be crumbling at my feet; she was the most amazing woman I've had the pleasure knowing in my entire life and will remain so.

      To my Father, Thomas Henderson he was the firm hand I needed for guidance in tough moments to teach me how to be strong, stand up for what I believe in and taught me how to fight through this whirlwind we call life.

      To My Brother, Thomas L. Henderson for being my knight in shining armor when we were kids, we've had our fair share of sibling fights but he's been a big influence on my life *Whispers* 'Shhh, don't tell him I said that.' Haha!

      To my Best Friend, Trish Bearfield who without in many ways I would not even be here. She is the person who knows all my dark secrets, knows of all teh demons I fight and have fought and still she has stuck by me for 23 years. You mean the world to me Trish even if you do not see your worth or think you are worth much, to me my beloved friend and sister you are absolutely priceless.

      To Eric Eubank, the one who taught me the meaning and feeling of True Love, desire, passion and devotion; he will always hold a special place in my heart.

      To Sabrina Johansen, Lawana Kigar & Tamara Holbrook for being my avid fans who let me vent to them when a story is not going right, or when it is going completely right and I bounce off the walls with excitement. The ones who let me gush about my characters and gush back when they too fall in love with them.

      To the many kids I knew in school that helped me shape who I am today, the good ones and the bullies.

      And finally to All of YOU, my fans, thank you for helping me to slowly realize my dreams!


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