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    In the early morning hours he woke and lay there just staring at her, her smell had already changed; they had undoubtedly conceived their first time being unprotected. Even though he knew she had been ovulating he had chosen to grant her wish anyways, how long had he wanted to feel all of her?

"You'll know soon enough." He whispered so low he would not wake her then kissed her on her head gently and climbed out of bed.

Putting on his pants he stepped out on the veranda and looked up at the moonlight and using his silent voice he called for Lilith then went to pacing. He enjoyed the feel of the smooth stone of the decking beneath his feet, as a slight breeze lifted up his long hair; he'd not cut it sense he discovered Aria preferred it long.

"Why so deep in thought?" Lilith's voice called from behind him.

"I need you Lilith." He stated quickly as he turned to her then approaching her he grabbed her hand and pulled it up to his lips.

"What is bothering my Able?" she questioned, her delicate brows pulling together.

"It is sooner than I had planned...but it is done." He said softly, "Aria is with child."

Lilith gasped, "What, when?" she questioned, pacing away from her he placed his hands on the railing and squeezed it tightly.

"Yesterday...I granted her request...the only thing she requested from me before I go to fight Leon." Flitting to Lilith he grabbed up her hands and sunk to his knees, "Please...stay with over her while I am gone...I...I do not know in what state I shall return from this...but I shall...but please my lady..." he rambled only for her to pull him up to face her.

"I will grant you this, and I will stay as long as you'd like; Enrick can handle things in my absence." She said then linked her arm with his, "Plus that will free up whomever you were going to leave to guard your precious one; you will return to us Able, you always do and if when you return if you have further need of me I will be here." She whispered as they both went to pacing, "How do you feel about this?"

"I'm frightened Lilith...I know how dangerous baring a child by one of us is." He admitted, "I knew she was ovulating...I should of..." pulling him to a stop she placed her fingers on his lips to silence him.

"Should have and following your heart do not always go well together, in this case, you followed your heart and something beautiful has come from it; something to give you even more reason to return to her." She cooed.

"She will know within days." He muttered, "Or, at least she'll assume; she was due next week...but that will not come now." He continued and they returned to pacing arm in arm, "Will you stay with us during her pregnancy, you have more experience at delivering and insuring the survival of the mother and Dampier child than I do." He pleaded.

"Yes, of course I will; your happiness is finally in reach and I will do all I can do to ensure it comes to fruition." She said then kissed his cheek, "You rest a little more, let your face be the first thing she sees when she wakes, it will please her."

Nodding they entered the bedroom, Lilith slowly approached Aria and using her mind she removed the blankets then laid her hand gently against Aria's abdomen a look of concentration crossing her face.

"She will have a difficult birth, but she and the child will survive...if the birth should be too difficult...are you ready to act upon your words?" she questioned, he knew that even at her age she could only get a sense of what the future held and that her seeing Aria's survival could mean one of two things; either she would survive on her own or he would change her and ensure her survival.

Looking longingly at Aria he felt a deep nervousness rise within him, "Yes, I am, my child will need it's mother and I...I need Aria." He replied, pain and more pain, only not pain from sadness but pain from him knowing he had never spoken such intimate and no truer words.

"Sleep my child, for tomorrow you fight." She said then flitted from the room.

Climbing in bed he lightly touched Aria's abdomen, they would have a child and his world would finally be complete and the void he'd had for so long would be gone. Pulling the blanket over her he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close; she had become his life.

As always Lilith had been right, waking to him Aria's mood had been elated all day and currently she sat looking at the glossy magazines with all the girls surrounding her; everyone in the room had been ogling her all day they all could smell the change.

"Able, was that the smartest choice." Bastian's solemn voice called from beside him.

"Yes and no. It was definitely sooner than I had planned; Lilith says Aria will survive." He felt his gaze narrow as he stared at Aria's flushed and smiling face, "Even if the birthing tries to claim her...she will survive...I will ensure it." He muttered.

"You mean to change her then?" he questioned.

"Yes...once again it would be sooner than I planned...but I will sacrifice everything for humanity is hers." He said, feeling once again that he had never spoken truer words.

They all looked up at the old grandfather clock when it chimed, the chime he usually found pleasing now sounded like a death toll in his ears as his eyes fell on Aria's tense face; all the joy from moments ago had seeped out of it along with any color she may have had.

"It is time...we hunt." He mumbled, they scattered, getting up Aria rushed to him and threw her arms around him her tears seeming to burn the flesh they hit, "I promise to return to you my love." He stated passionately then kissed her fiercely.

Clenching his jaw tight he loosened her hold and pulled away then quickly so she could not grab hold of him again he fled from the room out into the night air as nausea rose within him.

"Lilith will keep her safe Able." Colt said placing his hand tightly on his shoulder.

"It is not for her that I fear." He muttered.

Once joined they all were off and he foundhimself fighting the urge to about face and return to her arms at that verymoment but he knew, if he did, if he fled, many innocent mortals were at stake.

  © Eva henderson, 2016

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