1st Fall from Grace Part I

Start from the beginning

"Hey, would you like to go out for dinner?" he questioned thoughtfully as he noted it was actually evening already.

"I uh...I don't go out...I umm...I don't like eating in public..." she flushed even brighter.

"Then let me buy you dinner at least." He said and smiled at her again; he couldn't seem to help but want to smile around her.

"Um..." she began.

"I'll not take no for an answer." He said feeling his smile broaden, "What would you like, pizza, Chinese?" He questioned noting the face she made when he said Chinese, "Not a Chinese fan huh?" she shook her head no, "So, pizza? A sub? Pasta?" he questioned further.

"A calzone or pizza will be fine...though you really don't have to." She responded flushing brightly.

"I do insist though." He stated flatly then picked up his phone and a phone book, he didn't need to order food so he didn't know any numbers, flipping through he found the nearest one, placed the call then looked at her, "What kind?" he asked, "You look like the pepperoni type." He continued, she nodded, he'd seen people order food before, that he was no stranger to. Getting up he went to his cabinet and drew out the last chalice he had he washed it then filled it with water for her, "Sorry, water is all I have to offer."

"I'll go grab me some tea from my fridge, thanks though." She muttered then excusing herself she hobbled from his apartment.

While she was out he cleaned up and straitened up more and put his pillow up on his coffee table so she'd be able to prop her foot up; he felt the need to show her that not everyone being nice to her wanted something or was going to turn their back on her. She was too beautiful in his eyes to be bitter and untrusting, the past few days her eyes had told him more than her movie star lips ever could. Passing the mirror he looked at himself, his face still looked drawn from hunger and his skin paler than it would be if he'd fed. Getting in his tiny fridge he pulled out a bag of blood and drained it down quickly then threw it in the trash; maybe if he looked slightly more human she wouldn't be so nervous.

"Is our Lost Lord expecting company?" A small childlike voice called from his doorway, he dropped his head and turned to face her, did they have to drop in now?

"Pandora." He said flatly.

"What a fine greeting for someone you've not seen in a while." She stated her delicate tiny brows rising.

"Yes, I am expecting the company of a lovely woman momentarily." He stated then leaned his hip against the fridge.

"He said you'd become interested in your plush neighbor." She said then smiled, "Enrick would have come but he says you two fight every time he does." She finished just as Aria appeared behind her.

"Oh...I'll come back in a few." She rushed then turned to go.

"No, please, come back in Aria." He said rushing past Pandora and to the door.

"O...ok." She muttered flushing then entered into the apartment, Pandora turned to look her over.

"Hello, my name is Pandora." She offered stretching her hand out for a shake, Aria seemed to take a small step behind him; funny Pandora should make her uneasy but not Enrick. Dropping her hand she looked Aria over, "You most definitely are her, she's quite lovely Able, not your usual type it seems though." She muttered; Able felt Aria's body heat rise.

"It...it's not like that." Aria stumbled out softly, shyly.

"For now..." Pandora said then turned back to him, "I see you're in good hands momentarily Able so I will give my report to the Queen. As for the other matters, you really should change those." She continued giving him a knowing look; he imagined just like Enrick, Pandora could smell the drugged artificial blood on him.

"I'm working on them." He said then glanced at Aria over his shoulder, he wanted her to know he was struggling but at the same time he was afraid she'd turn away; she didn't seem the type to approve of drug usage.

"I see...you are...therapy huh?" Pandora questioned a confused look crossing Aria's face, "Do take care Able darling." Pandora said then stepping in front of him she reached up with her tiny hand standing on tip toe and touched his face, turning his head he kissed her palm gently.

"I am trying Pandora, please...tell everyone I'm sorry for troubling them." He said to which Pandora smiled at him.

"I will." She replied then looked past him at Aria, "He's all yours...be gentle with him and look after him for us." She stated then curtsying she flitted from the apartment; Aria didn't budge.

Clearing his throat of the sudden lump that Pandora's deep affection always brought him he smiled at Aria, "I've placed a pillow on the coffee table so you can prop your leg up on it; your pizza should be here soon."

"Who was that?" she asked as she settled in the chair and tentatively propped her leg up.

"That, as said, was Pandora, she's a very dear friend of mine...no...more like an older sister really...Pandora has seen me through many a dark times in my vampiric life, just like Enrick she is older than me, well, in vampire years that is."

"That small girl is a vampire and older than you?!" she gasped.

"Yes she is, we come in all ages, shapes, sizes and colors just like humans." He answered, had she added extra perfume and a smudge of make-up to her face he thought as he studied her.

Before the knock even came he got up and quickly strode to the door and answered it, paying the delivery boy he eyed the small box as he carried it to her, as a vampire he couldn't smell the appeal of it nor imagine the appeal anymore. Handing her the box he returned to his position on the bed long legs once more stretched out before him.

"Tell me more." She said with wide eyes.

  © Eva Henderson, 2016 

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