Introducing The Tributes

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Hello. My name is Wiren(wire-ren) it's a hard name to pronounce or so I'm told. my full name is Wiren Mora Hawthorne. I walked around & scanned my surroundings. I heard a noise & quickly got out my throwing knife. "Who's there?" Katniss came out from behind a tree bearing her bow & arrow & I growled. "You just made me lose my dinner!" "I don't give a shit about your dinner Katniss. You made me lose my weeks worth. I had a buck!" Katniss glared at me & turned away slightly. "So your good with knives?" "Yeah. What's it to you?" "If we get chosen this year for the hunger games we could ally." "Doubt it. I'd rather be with Cato or even Prim she knows how to doctor up the wounded which you'll need if you make it home." I laughed evilly at bringing up Prim & Katniss lunged for me. "Leave Prim out of this." I dodged Katniss & went to get a knife just as Katniss drew her bow & arrow back. "STOP!" We both looked & standing there was Gale, my brother... "Gale." "Wiren. Katniss why were you about to draw that bow back at her?" Katniss eyeballed me & I smirked. "Because she made me miss my dinner & said things about Prim! You can't take her side Gale!" "And why were you drawing back a knife?" "Because she made me miss a buck." "That's roughly a whole weeks worth of food." "Precisely." "Katniss don't come around Wiren again... She needs food just as well as you do." "But it was Wiren's fault!" "I don't care. Wiren is my sister & if she said she was hunting for our family then let her be." Katniss huffed & ran off into the woods to hunt something else. "Wiren come on. Let's hunt." Gale & I took off into the forest west of Katniss & nailed a buck before dinner time. "Nice work." "You too Gale." I helped Gale carry the buck in the house & Mom gasped. "A buck?! Gale!" "Mom I didn't do it myself." "Wiren?" "I killed it & Gale carried it back." "Well...Good..." After Mom got all the meat off I got Posy, Vick, & Rory ready to eat. "Come on guys let's eat." "DON'T TOUCH THEM! I've got it." Mom shoved me out of the way & I fell over. Mom! What the hell was that for?!" "You have dead deer on you." I looked down & didn't see anything wrong with my jacket. "There's nothing on my jacket." Gale picked off some buck fur & I rolled my eyes. I went to my room & sighed staring at the ceiling. Tomorrow was the reaping & I know it being my luck I would get picked. They've changed it this year to being two girls & a boy from the districts. "Wiren?" I looked up & Gale was standing in the doorway. "What superstar?" I spat out & looked away. "I'm not a superstar. I was wanting to know if you were prepared for tomorrow." I nodded & whispered "Gale I don't want my last words to you, to be vulgar. So...I love you." Gale laid next to me in his bed & I fell asleep instantly dreading what was to come.

~~The Next Day~~

I sighed & got up getting dressed in my best attire.

This was it & I thought I looked pretty damn good. We were well off for people in District Twelve but we also did what we had to, to survive. I stood up perfectly straight & Mom looked at Gale. "You look handsome Gale. Wiren..." I honestly thought my mother would be proud or even happy... But she just said my name. I hope I do get picked now.... Walking down to the Reaping I saw Prim as well as Katniss & smirked. Katniss was my enemy & I planned on taking her down if she was picked. We stood in line to get the blood samples taken & I winced. I hated smelling blood. "NEXT!" I walked on into the crowd & sighed as Effie Trinket came out wearing of course a ridiculously outragious outfit. "Hello all. It is I Effie Trinket. You will now be watching a video of the wonderful The Hunger Games." After the video I felt like I was going to be sick & Effie looked as if she were going to cry from joy. "Now ehem ladies first." She got a card & opened it then read off the name "Primrose Everdeen." Effie looked into the crowd & I gulped. Primrose would surely die. Prim screamed as they started to take her and all of a sudden I heard "I VOLUNTEER! I volunteer as tribute!" My eyes widened & I looked down. "Well come on up." Katniss slowly walked up & Effie had a bright smile on her face. "That was your sister you were volunteering for wasn't it?" Katniss nodded & I stared at her. "Okay next tribute for the girl shall be.... Wiren Hawthorne!" I looked at my brother scared & walked on stage. "Hello Wiren. Now for the last but not least tribute....Peeta Mellark!" I gasped as he walked up here & looked away. He was a childhood friend & I didn't want to have to kill him in the Arena.

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