first date

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Nicole's POV

"Oh my gosh! He's about to come!" I yelled as I looked at my phone. I'm rushing around my house, trying to get my things, this was going to be fun! We were going to central park in New York, its not like I live there though, I just stayed in a hotel just to come to One Directions concert. Harry lives in California somewhere in Hollywood. I think the boys are all really hot, and Harry and Niall were my personal favorites, I have always wanted to date a band member, and I wouldn't care which one...

There was a knock on the door. "Okay, Nicole, act natural, act natural, Nicole!" I said to myself before opening the door. "Hey, love!" I heard a soft, yet husky British voice say. "Harry! How are you?" I asked, trying my best to be polite. "Are you ready to go?" He asked. "Um, yeah, I guess so!" I said. "Anything you're forgetting?" Harry asked. "I guess I'll have to see when we get there!" I say. "Okay, c'mon, we don't want to be late!" Harry said as he opened the front door in the car, also known as being the gentleman he usually is.

"So first, we're gonna walk around central park, and then we're gonna eat at a restaurant, and then watch a movie and we'll go from there." Harry said while driving around while trying to get to our destination. "Okay, sounds good! Where were you planning to eat?" I asked, trying not to fangirl, even though we've met about 3 times, I was about to cry right there, in front of him! But it sounds even more crazy that we met three days ago and The Harry Styles is my date. "Um, you choose, love, anywhere, anywhere at all." Harry said. I pulled out my phone to look for the restaurants near Central park. "Um, there's that new Italian place down the street from central park, maybe we could try that!" I said enthusiastically. "Okay, any other options? I want to know the other options, before we skip to the Italian restaurant." Harry explained. "Okay, there's McDonalds!" I said laughing my head off. "Haha! No! I would not want McDonalds to be the first place we have a date, Nicole!" Harry said. "I know I was kidding! Um, there's chick-fil-a, there's in-n-out, red robin, panda express, Taco bell, Nandos..." I said, listing all of the things near central park.
"What! There's Nandos in New York?!" Harry asked shocked.
"No, I'm kidding, I've never eaten Nandos food, so... Yeah." I said nonchalantly. "Oh, man, I'm gonna ask the president to make Nandos a restaurant in America just for Niall. Harry said. " Ha! Do you really think Barack Obama is gonna listen to you?" I asked.
"Well, he bought one directions first album, so I think he will listen to me." Harry said trying not to laugh, but he failed, I also started laughing with him, because his laugh is super contagious. (Niall's laugh is more contagious though)

"We have arrived at your destination." I said in a robotic voice, just like the GPS tracker does when people arrive at the place they wanted to go to. "Ha! What are you even doing?" Harry laughed."Wow! This is... awesome!" I said excitedly. Noticing my surroundings. "Finally! Fresh ai-" I grabbed his hand and dragged him with me, before he finished his sentence. All he did was smile while I dragged him along. "Hey, Nicole?" Harry asked. "Yeah?" I answered back, looking back at his face. "Where are we going to for dinner?" Harry asked. "The Italian place! Unless you want something else?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm okay with that!" Harry said back at me. I ran ahead of him trying to get a closer look at a statue with two paths going left or right. "Left or right, Harry?" I asked, waiting for him to catch up. "Um, let's go in one direction, I choose... Left." Harry said cracking a smile. "Harry! Seriously! One direction, you are so hard to resist!" I said placing a hand on my forehead.

"Okay, its time for dinner, Harry!" I said. "Okay, let's go to this Italian place, I'm starving!" Harry said grabbing my hand "Oh, I just wanna take you anywhere that you like, we could go out any day, any night, baby, I'll take you there, take you there, baby, I'll take you there, yeah!" Harry sang as he ran ahead, dragging me along. Once we got in line for our food, Harry continued to sing the same song. "Oh, tell me, tell me, tell me, how to turn your love on, you can get, get, anything that you want, baby, just shout it out, shout it out, baby, just shout it out, yeah!" I playfully shoved him out of the way. "What did I ever do?" Harry asked giggling. "You know what you did Mr.Styles!" I said playfully. "What would you like to order?" A not so happy employee asked when it was our turn to order. "Wait! Don't I know you?" The employee's head shot up, looking at Harry. "No. I'm sure you don't, I'm Joe, and this is my girlfriend, Richard, I mean, uh, Riley..." Harry said faking his accent and everything else about him. "No, you're Harry Styles! And uh, whose this lovely lady?" The employee asked, looking jealous. "A friend, Hallie! Now can you take us to our seats already?" Harry asked, now getting annoyed.

Once we got to our seats the employee asked: "How did you know my name, Harry?" "Well, first off, it says your name tag right on your shirt, and second, I said my name was Joe, not Harry." "Ha! But I know you're Harry Styles, and this is your snotty little girlfriend." The employee shot me a dirty look. "Okay! You got me, lady! Take my order, cause I'm getting really hungry!" Harry half yelled, getting really frustrated. Once the food was delivered and we started to eat we started to talk some more. "Harry, what was it like dating Taylor?" I asked. "Honestly, I was sick of her, she was bratty and super snotty about almost everything! I was sick of her, you wouldn't even know, but now she's writing songs about me because I broke up with her." Harry said. "You're my first..." I said softly. "First what?" He asked, placing his hand on mine. "Date..." I said. "Oh." All he said was oh, OH! that's all he said. "Let's play 20 questions!" Harry said excitedly. "Okay, I'll go first!" Harry said again.

"Well, that was fun, C'mon, I'll take you home." Harry said. "Okay, thanks!" I say, as Harry opens the car door, for me to get in. Harry takes me home and I could tell I was blushing the whole ride back to my house. "Thanks for taking me home!" I said. "No problem, love! See you later!" Harry says as I walk to the front door. "Where were you Nicole! I was worried!" Stefanie said. " I was out with a friend!" I said back, taking off my heels. "Nicole! I'm your only friend! Wait! Do you have a boyfriend!" Stefanie screamed "No, I don't have a-" Stefanie cut me off. "Can I meet him! Please?!" OH CRAP!  I DONT WANT STEFANIE TO KNOW THAT I'M DATING HARRY STYLES! CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, CRAP!
"No, he's too busy..." And I wasn't lying about that! "What's his name?" Stefanie asked. "Bruce...Wayne?" I said unsure what to say. "Oh my gosh, Nicole! Batman is not your boyfriend!" Stefanie laughed. "Yeah, I know, that's his nickname, but his name is Bruce Leyton. " Nicole and Bruce, sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes, love, then comes kiss, the comes a baby carriage, that's not all, that's not all, I see the baby drinking alcohol!" Stefanie sang. "Oh, shut up, Stefanie!" I said pushing her playfully. "But seriously! A true directioner is a never allowed to like or date anyone but them, and none of us are going to have a chance with any of those hottie's!" I laughed as I walked into my room for the night.

Together Forever (SAD! UNFINISHED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum