Niall problems

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"Yay!" Niall says, as we pulled up into his favorite restaurant. The first thing I see is a red and black chicken, when we walk in. "OH MY GOSH! ITS NIALL! I KNEW THAT IF WE WORKED AT NANDOS, NIALL WOULD EVENTUALLY COME!" A fan screamed, and all of the customers lookers up at where she was screaming about. "Oh sh*t!" Niall mumbles under his breath. Harry gave a dirty look at Niall.

We got the restaurant under control in an hour or two, so then we finally got to sit down and order. "This is awesomely delicious!" Niall said with food in his mouth. "Niall, use your manners at the restaurant." Harry reminded him. "So, do you have a Credit card or a card from Nandos?" The waiter exclaimed happily. "Um, yeah, I have a Nandos black card..." Niall said awkwardly, reaching out for his card in his wallet. The waiter was just sitting there handing her hand out for the card. "I'm waiting, Niall..." The waiter said, impatiently. "Okay, I got it...Mrs. Impatient!" Niall snapped at her. "Niall!" Me and Harry scolded at the same time.

"We're home, Lads!" Niall chirped, as we walked in. The boys looked in our direction and looked rather, angry and sad at the same time. "Harry, we need to talk to you in private." Louis finally spoke, sighing. "What about me?" Niall asked. "Niall, is is between Zayn, Liam, Harry and I, okay?" Louis asks calmly. Niall's face had so many emotions at once. Confused, Sad, angry, shocked and surprised. "Why?" Niall finally spoke, clearly irked. "Niall, please, we're not leaving you out I promi-" Niall interrupted Zayn. "You didn't answer my question!" Niall pointed out, raising his voice. "Niall-" "Don't you 'Niall' me, Liam, we always settle things together, whether you like it or not!" Niall said, practically yelling. "Go do something else like......Hang put with Nicole or something." Liam said, trying to think. "No!" Niall protested. "Come on Niall, let's go play a board game or something." I tug on his arm, pulling him upstairs. Finally, I get him upstairs, by prying him with a milkshake.

"I want to go see what they're talking about, please?" Niall asked, while we were playing monopoly. "Why?" I asked, sighing. "Please?" Niall asked, giving me puppy eyes, that looked like puss in boots. "Ugh! That's too cute!" I say, giving up."Okay, but I'm not coming." I tell him. "Okay, I'll let you miss out on all the fun." Niall told me, before exiting the room we were in.

Niall's POV

I walked quietly down the halls, well except for my grumbling stomach, but I don't think its that loud, wait... Is it? "Guys, this has been going on for a while, I think we should tell him." Harry mumbled. Tell who? I wondered. "Well, do you think Niall knows?" Yeah, that's Zayn. Wait, what do I not know? I kept thinking in my head. "This is top secret, boys, do not tell Niall. Even if he does know, just leave it." That's Liam... What do I not know? What's top secret? Why are they talking about me? Can I eavesdrop anymore? All of these thoughts sunk into my brain, and I pondered them for a while. "Have the fans been doing this to Niall for a while now?" Harry said, through the silence. What have the fans been doing to me? I thought. Then I thought all of the fans who wanted pictures with Liam, Zayn Louis and Harry but not me.

"All this hate! I hate it! The girls who want us and not him? I call them Niallhaters and not niallers and definetly not directioners!" A thick accent, Louis, said angrily. I thought of those girls and felt tears prick my eyes. "We need to report this, so Niall will not see this." Zayn said, on the verge of tears. "Wait, what does that say there?" Louis asked pointing to the laptop they were looking at. I couldn't take it anymore, the tears streamed down, one after one, very slowly. I could already see the twitter comment, through my eyes. "Out of one direction!?!?" Harry yelled. "Ugly and annoying?!" Louis yelled louder. "Oh my gosh, look at this one!" Zayn said. "Can't sing?" Liam asked calmly. I cuddled in a ball a cried out loud, bawling now, and didn't care that all of the boys turned to my direction. "NIALL!!!!" All other boys yelled letting their chairs fall as they stood up faster than you could say anthropomorphic! I knew they were staring at me, but didn't want to face all of the hate anymore.

"Niall? I told you to stay with Nicole!" Louis yelled, clearly upset, that i didn't follow his instructions. "Niall, don't feel bad! Much worse has happened to me!" Liam said, trying to make me feel better. I took my phone out and let them read a twitter comment.


To: @niallhoranofficial

You disgust me! You are an ugly, fat, stupid, little kid! No wonder you don't have a girlfriend, you don't deserve to live the life you're living now!

After the boys read her rude and immature comment, they all exchanged faces to each other, all surprised that she would write that comment, especially Harry, who had a face that said 'oh no you didn't, girl!' "Why would she do it? Is she jealous?" Liam asked. "Back to this, boys... Don't worry about those girls. We still love you, buddy!" Harry said, really making me happier, than before anyway. " They are only rude to you because they are all the same, but you're unique." Zayn said. "Alright, boys." I say finally. "You're words and inspirations have pierced my soul." I tell them all. Deep down, I just want to squeeze their guts out, and kill them with love, because I love my best friends to death, no matter what happens.

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