Lexi was becoming unbearable with her tantrums and Zak seemed to have more friends than I did. He'd let me hang around with him and his mates because they loved hanging around with someone older than them but it wasn't much fun for me. Besides, who likes to admit that they have to hang around with their brother because they have no mates to hang out with?

   We were waiting outside of school for Stanley to pick us up. Rhys didn't pick us up anymore after our fight and I was grateful. He has tried to go at me again but Stanley admitted to me that he wouldn't actually do anything because he was scared of me.

   Stanley still didn't know that Rhys beat Jay up and I wanted it to stay that way. The last thing anyone needed was for more people to have been involved and it had been months since so it was all good.

   I smirked when I heard the car before I saw it. Jay saw my smile and chuckled, it felt good getting into the car with everyone watching. Last week, Cameron saw for the first time and his jaw dropped. Even Luke was jealous but I wasn't allowed to tell him anything, only that it was Jay's Uncle that I knew. 

   I know he feel' left out but I'm not allowed to tell him. I really wanted to, what Stanley is doing, training me up and everything, was really good and Luke could really benefit. All three of us would boss the playground, especially going into year 11 in September.

   "Do you know anything about the news he has for us?"

      He shook his head, "Not a clue. When I asked, he said he wasn't going to tell me anything until you were there." He looked a little annoyed at that but I brushed it off. I suppose I would be a little annoyed if my grandma had some exciting news and she wasn't telling me straight away.

   Well, she did do that - like she'd tell me to be home by five in the afternoon on a certain day to tell us all something together but the news ends up being about a trip to the park we were taking that week or if we were going with them to the Beetle Run. Nothing exciting as this and I've come to expect it so I never care much to know before I have to.


      I climbed into the back of the car and Jay got into the front - it was his turn - and put my seat belt on. "So, what is this news?" I asked.

   "Hey, you'll have to wait until we get back to the house." He told me, turning his CD back up, Guns N Roses blaring out of the open windows. It had been warm today.

   Everyone was staring but I wanted them to. The more people who see me in this car the better - trust me. Everyone was already starting to try and be my friend at school because of it so it was really good. I could push into the queue at dinner and nobody would bat an eyelid.


   "Okay boys, how would you like to earn some money?"

      My eyes lit up. Money? I'd love that! I didn't say anything though.

      "How?" Jay asked, his voice sounding just as excited as I felt.

      "Well, I need some people to watch out for me. Almost like a bodyguard and I want you two to help out. Every night you do it, I'll give you twenty quid."

   Wow! Twenty pound? A night? I could use that money to take Megan out more and to buy some alcohol for the weekend. 

   "When?" I wondered. He said night, did he mean every night?

      "Well, I'll trial you, make sure that you do well and if you do, we can take it from there. But it will be Wednesday and Friday night. It'll be from around 6pm - 9pm." He told us.

   We were sat inside of his office and apart from Dennis behind us, there was nobody else in the room which was a nice change as usually when he announced something, everyone was together. That must mean we were special if he was doing it in private.

   I felt really good. I'd have a real job!

      "Stanley, I'll be going to my grandma's in Southampton from 4th July for three weeks, is that okay?" I hoped it was! 

   "Don't you live with your grandparents?" He frowned.

       "They are my mum's parents. They've always lived down there and every Summer we go down. I was supposed to go down during Easter but because I went to the Lake District with Megan, I missed out." I enjoyed going down there and I was gonna ask Megan if she'd like to come as well. The weather is always a lot nicer and we were gonna get the ferry over to Calais for a couple of days. 

   I liked my grandparents down South better - they were younger and they let us go bed whenever we wanted. They always took us on trips and we even went to Spain with them last year. My dad's mum and dad hardly ever did that with us.

   He clicked his tongue, "Well, the job is full time Jamie. Meaning, it is every week. What will I do without you? I need to be able to rely on you. I don't think I'll be able to let you go." He admitted. "Sorry kiddo." 

   I frowned, "I have to go. My grandma and granddad will make me." I told him, panic starting to rise - not that I'd let that show on my face. I had to remember to always show I was confident in front of Stanley. He wouldn't have given this job to just anyone!

   "Are you arguing with me? I can just get someone else to do the job instead. I've shown you nothing but kindness and this is how you repay me? Jamie, I am hurt." He pressed his hand to his heart. "Like, nobody else has ever done this to me."

   "I really want the job, it is only for three weeks!" I started to feel desperate, my heart was banging in my chest and I kept looking to Jay who was just sat there nonchalant. "How about I get someone to replace me?"

   He looked taken aback for a second before he composed himself. "Like who? Everyone here already has a job. This is something I am trusting to you two specifically."

   "My friend Luke!" I splurted out. "Jay likes him as well and he keeps asking questions about where we go! Luke would love it as well, plus he'd love to earn some money, he has a girlfriend as well and would love to spend some of it on her." I argued with him. 

   His eyes went to Jay. "How come you haven't got a girlfriend yet?"

      "I don't want one." He snapped. "I'm not into all that crap they are."

     "Don't you feel left out? Like a third wheel?"


      "Do you like Luke?"

      Jay nodded his head, "Yeah he's one of my best friends."

      "Okay, I'll think about it."


Hey! Sorry it has took so long, but here is the next chapter. So, Luke is being brought into the fold, is he? This will get interesting!! 

So, how are you finding the story so far? Are you still enjoying it? I can't wait to get stuck in to the main plot. I can't believe that this is Chapter Twenty! Never thought we'd get here, I always give up and change the storyline on this story haha, it means to much to me and I really want to get it correct. 

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