Chapter 10

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Lilly's P.O.V.
I turned back into a jay and flew off to the enemies camp. I'd accidentally bumped into it a few days ago when I had been keeping look out. I wouldn't tell the ninja though. They would personally kill me themselves if they found out! I sat on a lamp post near 2 nodded people. "And remember! You have to find that girl!" A man's voice instructed. The other nodded person nodded, creating a purpely blacky blue dragon and flying off into the distance. I didn't follow instead I went to the Bounty, which was near by.

I landed on the roof, so it was easy for me to listen in. "We have to go and find Mist!" Kai said urgently, also looking very impatient. "And we don't care who's fault it was! Kit. Tristan. For now you will just have to get along." Lloyd said annoyed. The two looked at each over exchanging death glares. I'm deserve her more than that idiot! Tristan thought echoed in my head. If he thinks for one second he's gonna put one hand on her! Kit thought. I already knew Kai wasn't gonna wait very long to get going. Even if the others say no he'll go anyway. That's just Kai for you though. That guys always in a rush! And as Sensei Wu says, you must have patience. One thing I think no matter how hard Kai tries to achieve it. He won't get it. Never. Ever in a million years.

As I flew off I scruff Jay's head with my talons. "Hey!? Stupid jay!" He yelled at me. "Haha. You just called yourself stupid!" Cole laughed. "No. I was talking about that bird!" He argued pointing me. "Actually that birds the smart one. Because he knew you were dumb." "Says you dirt brain!" "Guys. This really isn't time, we need to focus!" Kai snapped at them. I mentally laughed. Mostly because I don't think birds can laugh.

I was going to warn Mist about the others looking for her. But when I got to where I left her she wasn't there! What the bad guys already found her? What if she's hurt? I need to calm now. She probably heard them. I tried to take deep breathes to calm me down. Think positive. But I couldn't! She was missing!

I set off again. I was going to tell the others everything! I know Mist told me not to tell anyone but I don't care! We need to find her before it's to late!

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