"And with that, they were disabled."

154 2 7

3:15 AM

We all ran, opening the cockpit door. One of them shot four times, hitting a few of us. Nobody was dead. 

Sean and a few others were working on the other hijacker. There was a shot, aiming at one of them. Blood was spewing everywhere.

Then Sean screamed. He was hit. I grabbed him and pulled him away.

Another bang was heard. The second hijacker was down.

I heard the words "God Damnit" at the same time as cheers. The fight continued.

I took Sean into the bathroom so he could be safe. I was crying.

"Are you OK?" I asked, checking his pulse. It was still steady.

"I think so," he stuttered. The fear was obvious in both of our voices.

I applied some bandages over the gunshot wound, which was on his right arm. I stayed with him for three minutes, crying the whole time. He was crying with me. But it became obvious I had to go.

"Stay here. I'll be back. I promise."


We kissed because we were both worried it would be the last time.

"Now, go get 'em, Meghan." He forced a smile, but it was obvious he was hurting really bad.

 I went out. I charged on the one pilot who was struggling. The plane was going down towards the land. The elevation gauge read 17,711 and was decreasing by the second.

I grabbed the man by the hands. I turned them around so his gun was pointing towards him. I shot.

And with that, they were disabled.

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