"Did she force on you when you're screaming?"
"Stop it! Stop this shit...."
"Didn't you say 'Aunt, please stop. No, please don't...it hurts..."
"SHUT UP!" Dan shouted hoarsely, jerking his body to free himself from the ropes.

"You didn't even shout for help. I must assume you're enjoying?" The man grinned behind his mask.
"Don't you feel guilty for enjoying it as much as you deny?"
"THE FUCK YOU WANT FROM ME?" He remembered nights in which she would take him to her bedroom and use his body for her sexual pleasure. She would take him over and over, threatening him to kill till he couldn't plead her to stop and surrendered himself to her.
"I simply don't like you breathing the air." The man abruptly lept from his chair and grabbed Dan's chin.
"A piece of trash like you doesn't deserve to live", the man forced his fingers inside Dan's mouth, choking his throat when he refused the entrance and the man stuck the burning cigarette in his hard palate.The boy shouted out in excruciating unbearable pain and the tears brimmed up in his eyes regardless of his pride as a male. The man stalked inside the kitchen, returning with ice cube tray and put one in the boy's mouth.
"If you can't endure this burn, how are you going to survive what I'm planning to do with you?"
Dan's eyes furrowed at the man who screwed open the cap of canister and started spilling the liquid on the furniture and all around him.
"What...", the boy gasped and he hadn't been a fool that his mind couldn't process the horror before it could be spoken. "What are you doing?"
"It's fire that will lead you to the hell."

 "You must be joking." The boy started struggling against his ropes, wiggling his body. The horrific reality couldn't be the end of him to die being burnt alive. The punishment that the angel of death was going to inflict upon him was more than the price of his sins before God who mocked down at him. He had been mocked down by his own death.

"Death isn't a joke, Dan". The man was suddenly behind him and Dan's thoughts didn't betray him when he poured the petrol over the boy.
"Don't do this to me!" Dan finally cried out as he twisted his body to loosen the ropes around him.The man laughed and walked spilling the petrol all the way to the front door.
"I'm afraid, Dan that I horribly can do it." The man grinned before flicking on the flame of letter and waved it at Dan.

Dan shouted out in utter desperation and horror. His pupils dilated and his heart skipped a beat as the man dropped the flame of letter on the floor. The petrol soon caught fire making its way towards the drawing hall and immediately setting curtains on fire. The man bid him goodbye and closed the door behind him.

Dan grunted, shouting for help as he continued struggling to loosen the ropes. Flames engulfed the curtains and the fire spread around the room. He twisted his body, sucking in his diaphragm to constrict his abdominal muscles to put ropes on loose around him. The entire room became hotter as flames grew bigger and burst towards his chair. Before fire could lick the wood of his chair, he pushed the chair back and scooted towards the window of the room that could be his sole escaped for his life. The chair went off balance and he came down along with the chair on the floor with a grunt. Fire was eating the room as inferno and he knew, soon his petrol drenched clothes and body would catch it too. He moved his body, putting energy to his restraint muscles  and managed to turn around, grovelling on the floor and hurriedly scrapped his knees towards the window. The fire finally caught the wood of his chair and burnt the skin of his legs. He shouted, moving around his tied legs to put off the flames eating up his jeans. The fire started searing his flesh and a cry of pain made him realize that he's about to be burned alive. He looked sideways at the window which seemed to be much farther in reach than it actually had been and suddenly he thrashed around on the floor scuffing the flames off his already half burnt jeans and burnt legs. Panting heavily, he saved the question of his clothes not picking fire faster than he had expected and he positioned his shoes on the window. Sweat poured out of his body in the blazing heat and he jammed soles of his boats in the glass. He grunted, knocking his soles against the glass desperately as flames were near to lick his hair and collar of shirt. One last jab, and he broke the pane of wall window to the lawn. He shouted as fire burnt his ear and shoulder but scrawled hurriedly out of the window and landed himself on the grass, shouting both in agony and happiness of surviving. Dan closed his eyes and listened to the sirens and screeches of wheels.

Annie had been on her way to home after delivering sushi at Sam's house who had called her out of sudden for the food when she heard the siren of ambulance and police mobiles in the street. She slowed down her car, furrowing her brows when she noticed the police and fire extinguishers at Dan's house. She stopped her car and got out of the vehicle upon seeing her brother at duty and paramedics carrying Dan on stretcher to the ambulance. Annie walked towards the police vehicles, where he had been standing and waited till he excused himself the moment he noticed her.
"What are you doing..."
"What happened to Dan?" Annie questioned her brother.
"He became another victim on line." He told her as they walked together.
"Is...is he alive?" She dreaded the question herself but brought herself to ask the inevitable.
"I must say this kid has got some luck and strong will to survive when he's being tied". She released a audible sigh of relief for the human.
 " There're bad burns on his legs and shoulder but I bet he will live through this too."
"Isn't it a work of sociopath or it's just a random guy?"
"No, it doesn't appear some sort of sudden revenge." David spoke pursing his lips in thoughtfulness.
"What do you mean? It's a serial psycho..."
"We found him tied on a chair. Interestingly petrol can be smelt off him but he hadn't been soaked in petrol."
"You mean, that person was playing with his mind..."
"It was to induce panic in him for psychological trauma than his intended death."

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