Chapter Four

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When the guards spot us they immediately open fire on us, their aim is shit so we manage to take cover.

Me and Alex are ducked behind a dumpster while Karen and Dean are across from us behind a brick wall in an ally.

The pullets pelt off the dumpster and when the gunshots become silent we strike.

I nod across the road to Karen and she takes the hint, cocking the machine gun me and Karen poke our guns around the corner.

Karen sprays into the crowd but I on the other hand take my time, aiming at each guard one at a time. When my gun clicks I duck back behind the dumpster and Alex takes over while I reload.

"Rotters!" I hear someone scream from behind me. I turn and see a guard standing at an Intersection firing his gun up the street. It takes a little while but after a few seconds I spot the walkers.

About eight or nine of them trudge after the guard, growling with evil in their eyes. The guard continues firing but he isn't shooting the head... He is just shooting at their chests. 

Do these people not know to aim for the head?

I shake off the thought and forget about the walkers, this is our moment. I check to make sure the gate is clear, and other then a few guards on the wall we have a clear path to the gate.

Karen, Alex, Dean and I all get out of cover and meet in the middle of the street; "These walkers will keep them busy for a little bit, and by the looks of things they don't know that you got to destroy the brain so we will have a tad bit more time. We need to get out of here and find a car." I say as I look over Deans shoulder to see a walker slowly walking towards us.

"Lets go" I say, ignoring the walker as I turn towards the gate and once more take off in a sprint.

"What th-" One of the guards on the wall begins to say as he spots up running towards him, but I cut his words off by raising my gun up towards the man and pulling the trigger, watching as his head snaps back and sends him tumbling over the wall.

The other four guards are taken care of about the same time and Dean inserts a large key into the gate and turns it.

The gate swings open revealing a long road that disappears into the horizon. Here we go.

Without closing the gate, the four of us continue down the road. Where are we even going?

The roar of an engine makes me stop in my tracks; "Stop!" I scream to everyone else. "Do you hear that?" I say as I look back where we came from.

"Shit!" Alex screams making dash towards the ditch. In the distance I make out headlights in the misty light of dawn. "Follow Alex!" Karen says as she runs behind Alex, me and Dean begin to run but I stop him; "We need a vehicle." Dean looks at the headlights then me he nods his head and retrieves Alex and Karen from the ditch.

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