part four - flower boys

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you pulled another one of your signature stank faces and pushed his face back lightly, "um, none!"

"but look," taehyung nudged his head towards jimin's direction.

jimin was sitting on the sofa with his phone just above his stomach, his arm was against the arm rest on the sofa, stroking his hair as he kept scrolling through something on his phone.

"taehyung.." you said a bit more seriously, taehyung always knew you were serious if you said his whole name instead of tae.

"oh right, sorry," taehyung's hand formed a zipper as he imaginarily zipped his mouth shut.

to be honest, he could never see what you saw in jimin. to taehyung, he was just another douche that wanted to get in your pants. he doesn't even understand why he's changed so much and how jungkook ended up that way too.

"alright guys," jungkook looked over at his tv as he had netflix on the screen. "what do you wanna watch?"

your eyes scanned jungkook as he was standing, he was a tall kid. he wore a slightly oversized white shirt and joggers, dressing comfortably in his own home. you thought the outfit on him made him looked hot, but you had no romantic intentions with the boy. jungkook was just simply good looking. it's no wonder girls chase him around so much.

"porn." taehyung looked at jimin's direction. "jimin would like porn."

"okay first of all," jimin squinted his eyes and tilted his head, "they don't have porn on netflix, and second of all, i don't want it!"

"sure sure." taehyung wrapped his arms around you, giving you another bear like hug whilst looking up at the screen.

jimin only glared at the two of you, as if his face was the definition of jealousy. yes, jimin liked you, yes, he wanted you all to himself. but for how long exactly? and for what reason?

"hands off my girl, taetae." jimin said taehyung's nickname in the sassiest way possible.

"your girl?" taehyung's brows furrowed.

"guys can we not fight please?" you said looking at the two idiots. "if you keep going back and forth at each other then i'm going home."

"fine with me." jungkook said, trying to ease the tension going on with his two hyungs. "(your name) shouldn't even be stressed out by the two of you, didn't you remember all that bull that happened today?"

you knew that jungkook was talking about the way yuri and her girlfriends were treating you today. they made their horrible remarks at you and hated you for something you didn't even do.

well, atleast you and your friends only knew that you didn't do it.


after grabbing your car keys and entering your car, you looked at the clock inside of your vehicle and realized that you were approximately thirty minutes early for work.

you grinned and thanked yourself in your mind for being so diligent with your time management.

you had left jungkook's house an hour ago, you went to your home and quickly dressed into your work clothes. you tied your hair into a high pony and drove off to work.

the first thing you were greeted by when entering your workplace was the lovely scent of flowers. all kinds of flowers were grown at your place of work, carnelians, blue belles, and even the classic kind, roses.

you smiled happily as you entered the shop, to be greeted by one of the workers there.

"look who's early today." the worker smiled.

Can't Say - Jung HoseokNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ