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Dear E,

I was purposely ignoring you today, it worked. You shot glances my way all day. At least 5 times during lunch, and 4 or 5 times during math lab. We made eye contact for a few seconds at lunch when Tasneem went to throw something away or something. I looked at you and you were already looking at me, but it was different this time. When I looked at you there was no change in expression, no head shake, no weird noises or swears, you just looked at me. Your eyes shined, and there was regret or sadness or somethign in your eyes, I couoldn't really tell. I looked back straight into your eyes, no where else, and you looked straight into mine. I looked at my lap and shook my head. I have to get you out of my head!

When I ignore you, your actually kind of sweet. Maybe I should ignore you a little while longer, but then again, your moving 45 minutes away soon. So can I really afford to ignore you?

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