As things unfold (cont.)

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Chapter 7

I woke up with a splitting headache, and I realized that I was in Ryan's bed, naked again. I looked around, expecting to see another note. Instead, I saw Ryan's sleeping figure on his futon. "Ryan." I whispered. Ryan's eyes opened and he looked at me. "Hey beautiful." He whispered. "I-I'm so cold." I complained. Ryan smiled, and he got up and climbed into bed with me. He wrapped his arms around me, and I was at peace once again. Ryan gently released me and pulled off his shirt before pressing himself against me. "I love you." He whispered in my ear. The words were like a sedative. I tried to respond, but my body had already shut down, and I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

I woke up again, only to feel that Ryan wasn't against me. I slowly sat up and looked around. I was still naked, and I found my underwear and put it on before I went downstairs. I saw Ryan working out on a pull-up bar in the door of a kitchen. He had his shirt off, and he wore a pair of compression shorts. "R-Ryan?" I asked. Ryan dropped to the floor before turning around to face me. "Hey Anthony." He said He said. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Moisture from him sweating dripped across his body before falling to the floor. I felt myself become stiff and began thinking thoughts that were far from appropriate and decent. "What you looking at?" Ryan joked. "N-nothing." I said, resifting my gaze. That's when Ryan approached me and gently pulled off the blanket surrounding my body, leaving me naked. "I know what you were looking at." Ryan said. "What?" I challenged after I smiled. Ryan laid me on his couch before pulling off his shorts. I slid back, and took a long look at his naked body. Ryan's words from last night were still echoing in my head. He told me he loved me. There was a plethora of emotions that came with those mentioned words, and fear was one of them. Ryan slid himself towards my face. "Touch me." Ryan demanded slowly as he picked up my hand and placed it on himself. I felt my body getting aroused as I felt my heart begin to pound against my chest, and my breathing become fast and unsteady, and I began to play with him. He whimpered as I gripped him harder. "Did it hurt?" I asked, worried that I was causing him pain instead of pleasure. "No." Ryan answered simply. "It just felt so good." I sighed, relieved at knowing that I wasn't hurting him, and blushed at the thought of knowing that I was making him feel good. "Do it again." Ryan said softly. I grabbed him again. And Ryan gently moaned my name. Suddenly the door to the house flew open, and Ryan's mother barged in. "Shit!" Ryan yelled as he jumped off of me and reached for his shorts, but he was too late, his mother had already seen us. "What the HELL!" She bellowed. "I thought you were going to come home later." Ryan said "I decided to come home early to get some sleep." Ryan's mom said simply. "But I see I should've called ahead." "Mom......." Ryan began, but she shoved past him and charged at me. She grabbed me by my neck and slammed me against the wall. "Get the hell out of my house you little bastard." She growled. "You're a drunk bitch." I managed to choke out. That's when she let loose a bloodcurdling scream and slammed me against the wall again, smashing my head. I stumbled back, fell unto the couch, and passed out again...

I woke up with another headache, and felt hands tenderly wrapping something around my head. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a hotel room, and Ryan was with me. "Ryan!" I shouted, as I shot up, remembering what Ryan's mom had done to me. "It's okay." Ryan said. "It's okay Anthony, you're safe now." I sighed and laid back down on the bed, which was really comfortable. I looked around, and saw that we weren't in Ryan's room. "Where are we now? I asked. "At a hotel." Ryan said simply. "What happened?" I asked. Ryan sighed before he told me that his mom had kicked him out when he shoved her away from me. "How much did you pay for the room?" I asked, genuinely concerned. "About $300." Ryan said. "How?" I asked. "Well, I took about $1500 from my mom in emergency money." Ryan said, ashamed. I reached up and touched his face. "You're so stupid." I said as I pulled him down unto the bed with me. "I did it for you." Ryan reasoned. I smiled. "Your mom probably doesn't need it." I said before Ryan kissed me. When we parted, I realized something. "Where are you going to stay?" I asked. "Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about." Ryan said. "Because I can't continue to pay for a hotel." "What do you mean?" I asked. "Can I stay with you maybe, for a little while?" Ryan asked, extremely nervous. I honestly didn't see any harm in it, unless he brought more pot. "I-I guess so." I said. "But no more pot." "Yes sir." Ryan said. I laid down to go back to sleep.... And then I felt Ryan reach underneath my shirt, and feel my body. I looked up to face him, and he smiled at me. That's when he pulled off my shirt, and began kissing my body. I moaned his name as he did this to me. "Ryan." I moaned as he reached inside my pants and grabbed me through my underwear. "Will my boyfriend?" Ryan asked when he released me. I looked at him. "I-kind of thought we were already." I said. Ryan looked at me, and smiled before he kissed me again. 

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