Part 7: My promises to you

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"You are what you do, not what you say you do"


                                                                                         Chapter 20


(Two Years later)

This is the fifth year anniversary of Mark's tragic death. However, I spent very little of the day mourning my loss. I had found Ryan and although I never forgot Mark, the pain of his death had begun to fade slowly, but surely every day. Ryan was taking the pain and suffering away with his constant love and affection. It felt so good to see him come home every day, and I was more than ready to see that every day for the rest of my life. Today was the 19th of June, the anniversary of our relationship approaching its third year. I had already set the house up for him when he got home from work. I had his favorite food, his favorite type of soft music, and last but not least, I had bought a new car for him. It had become an inconvenience for us to have to share one vehicle, and there were some days I had to ride a taxi, and other days more I had to ride Public Transit service. Neither was very efficient, and both were not to my standards as far as punctuality and cleanliness. I figured since out anniversary was coming up, I would buy him the new car, and I would use the older one for myself. I looked outside and saw the sun beginning to rise over the horizon. It was destined to be a beautiful day indeed. I knew it...


I had called out of work to finish planning for our anniversary. It was a joyous day, however, it was also a little nerve racking. Almost like that day I had asked Anthony to move in with me. I had made reservations for one of the city's best restaurants. And I had also asked for a few days off from work, to allow myself to be able to spend as much time with Anthony as possible to allow us to plan for our wedding. Of course, the day seemed to drag on until I called Anthony and asked him to meet me at the Sakura Japanese steakhouse around ten p.m. He answered all too fast, as though he had something up his sleeve. I was excited, not just for him, but for me as well. It was going to be the beginning of a new, happy life. I promised myself that for him, I would always be there. Because I loved him. He was my heart, he was my soul, he was my life. He gave me rhyme and reason. I loved him, he was everything to me. It was around 9:30 when he called me and told me that he was heading towards the restaurant. I quickly threw on my best clothes that had been prepared this morning. I checked myself numerous times to make sure I looked fine. Once I had finally become comfortable with my appearance, I called Anthony to let him know I was on my way. He told me he was already there, and I told him to sit tight while I made my way there...


I knew today was going to be a great day when Ryan asked me to meet him at one of the best restaurants in the metropolitan area. I wasn't totally sure what he had up his sleeve, but I knew him being him, it was probably something I was never going to forget. I loved him with all of my heart. It was impossible for me to love anyone else in the same way. He was my heart, he possessed me, he was mine. I had sat down at the table and was waiting for Ryan. It wasn't too long before I saw someone approaching me. Except it wasn't Ryan, it was Zach...


Somehow, one way or another, I had found the strength to realize that Anthony was never going to accept me and tried to move on from someone else. It was difficult, and it was also then that I began to see the terrible things I had done in my desperation. I had brought my boyfriend; Fabian, to this restaurant in an effort to escape from the hell that I was forced to call my job. I needed some real food, and I wanted to spend some time with my new love. It felt peculiar to fall in love with someone else, but I will admit that I didn't have a problem with being around someone who wasn't afraid to be in love with me. It felt good, and unlike Anthony, it felt like it was going to last. It had purpose, it had validity, it had...something real. I never really forgot Anthony, but I didn't plan on seeing him at the same restaurant. After eight months, he still looked more beautiful than I remember. I began trying my best not to think about him as much as I used to, especially with my boyfriend standing right next to me. "Hey, Anthony." I said, trying to sound as mellow and careless as possible. "Hey Zach." Anthony said, seeming as though I didn't matter to him in any matter. It stung a little, but I straightened my posture and proceeded to engage in further talk. "How is everything?" "It's going great." Anthony answered simply. I nodded before Fabian tugged me in an effort to inform me that he had found a place to sit. I turned on my heels and left Anthony without so much as a goodbye. I was too hurt to really want to say anything else. I sat at the table as Fabian cracked a joke, bringing a wide smile to my face. I held his hand across the table as I faced my good future...

I had waited for a little while more until I saw Ryan walk up to my table. We hugged and greeted before we sat down. Ryan had a seemingly good day, which was great to hear. My day was pretty decent, up until Zach showed up. I wanted to refrain from telling Ryan, but I figured I would be wrong to keep secrets from him. "What's wrong?" Ryan asked. "Zach, Zach is here." I said hesitantly. Ryan faced clouded. "Why would he be here?" He asked suspiciously. "I don't know." I said. "Probably some coincidence." Ryan sighed and looked around the restaurant until he found where Zach was sitting. "Who's that?" He asked, nodding his head in Zach's direction. "That's his boyfriend." I said. Ryan rolled his eyes, "For now." He said skeptically. I looked over to see Zach and his boyfriend making out." "Ignore them." I said. "He's just trying to make a show" Ryan chuckled just as the waiter arrived with our food. I had ordered a pasta with shrimp and chicken, Ryan had ordered a big steak. With fried onions and broccoli. We ate in silence until Ryan asked me if I was happy with him. I wiped my mouth and looked at him questioningly. "Of course I'm happy with you baby." I said. "I love you more than anyone in the world." Ryan smiled and put down his fork. "Is this something you may want to pursue for the rest of your life?" This is something I want to pursue for the rest of my life." I said definitely. Ryan smiled, and stood up in front of me. He helped me to stand up, and he kissed me. I kissed him back, and he crouched on one knee in front of me. I looked down at him, no, not at him. At a black felt box in front of my face. I was a little confused, and then the image became clear as Ryan opened the box and I saw an obsidian ring with a rainbow design in support of LGBT love. "Anthony, I don't quite know how to say this, but you are my world, my heart, the love of my life. And I want to know; will you marry me?" I smiled and laughed as tears welled in my eyes. I looked and saw every patron in the restaurant looking at me in curiosity of what I was about to say. I saw Zach staring at me with intense expectation. I looked at Ryan, who had eyes filled with hope. "Yes." I said.


Tears came to my eyes as Anthony said the three letter word I had been wanting to hear since the moment I had met him. Him and his love meant so much to me and I was so honored to be able to propose to him. I picked him up, and beyond the tears, I saw exactly what I had been searching for all of these years. Hope, hope and joy, true joy. I wiped the tears from his eyes and planted my lips firmly on his as every person in the restaurant began clapping and cheering. I held him into my grip as he clasped his hands on my hips. This was my life, my reason, my rhyme, this was me. He was me. I loved him. More than anyone...


I couldn't believe that this was what Ryan had planned for me. I was going to propose to him, but I never would have guessed that we would both plan to, on the same day. It brought so much joy to me knowing that we meant the same amount to each other. It made me feel more loved than ever, and it set aside pretty much every ounce of doubt in my mind. I love him, and he loves me. Knowing this, beyond a doubt, makes me the happiest man in the world. Our future has begun. Our future of happiness, trust, peace, and most of all, love...

A Healed Heart. (A mans love book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum