Part 1: In the beginning...

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"In the beginning was the relationship"

-Martin Buber

Chapter 1

I read the headstone that said; Mark Harroway, beloved son and devoted boyfriend. Two years, it's been two years since he had been killed in that head on collision car crash, and for some reason, I can't seem to get over it. My name is Anthony Jameson-Wilkins, I'm seventeen years of age, and I'm gay. I have been shunned by my family and friends because of who I am. When I first met Mark, I didn't have a care in the world. He was so beautiful, kind, and understanding that when he asked me to be his boyfriend, I felt like the luckiest person in the world. We were inseparable, we slept together, we washed together. We were always together. I remembered it like it was yesterday. Tears welled in my eyes as I read the headstone over and over again. "Anthony?" a voice behind me said. I turned around and faced my closest friend, Dakota "Kody" Anderson. He is about mid height, very handsome, with flowing blonde hair, sea blue eyes, and light skin. "Are you okay?" He asked. I quickly wiped the tears away from my eyes. "I-I'm fine" I stuttered. "I'm ready when you are." Kody said. But I knew in the back of my mind that he was ready to leave. Cemeteries give him the creeps. I kissed Mark's grave and we walked out of the cemetery to where his car was. Although he had a car, Kody wasn't allowed to drive until he was eighteen, so his mom drove us where we needed to go. Kody asked his mom if she wouldn't mind taking us to see one of the newest movies that was showing at the local theater. "Sure. I'll drop you guys off." Kody's mom pulled out of the cemetery, and drove onto the highway. As we headed to our next destination, I gazed out of the car window, wishing that I met someone who could replace Mark. I wasn't looking for a rebound, I just wanted someone who knew how to make me feel good again.

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