Chapter 9:

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Andy's POV

     Last night was insane. Finding the letter. Kissing him. And the best part; him kissing back

"Andy" "Wake up"

   I finally woke up after numerous minutes of him violently poking me. He was leaning over me smiling like an idiot.

   "Damn Ash, why are you so chipper?" I asked as a look of hurt flashed across his face.

   I mentally scolded myself, of course he's happy, you kissed him last night, dumb ass.

   "Anyways.... Ash, about last night" I trailed off.

   "I know I know, you don't love me, you don't want to be with me, and you just kissed me because you felt bad, it's fine. I get it" he replied with each world flowing out of his mouth like he'd said them thousands of times.

   "See ash. That's where you're wrong. I love you. And I'm so fucking sorry it took me so long to notice. I would never leave you, and to begin to promise you that, Ashley Purdy, will you be mine?"

He looked at me with the most odd expression. Happy, sad, surprised, and overall, confused as fuck. But finally, he smiled.

  "Of course"

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