A joke

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"Is every thing ok?" I asked Justin. I heard him slightly yell at the phone but Dident exactly hear what he said.

"Y-yea. It's just scooter getting on my nerves. You know, the interviews and crap." He said coming next to me and putting his arms around me.

"How's your eye?" He asked
"It's better, I could see well now, I guess your eye drops helped doctor Bieber." I said as he chuckled.

"Anytime." He smiled.
"How much time till we land?" I asked.
"Just an hour. I'll get you that food I promised." He said getting up.

"Ugh thank you!" I cried out.

I grabbed my phone and called Khloe.
"Hey" I said
"What's up." She said
I said In one breath

"You must be talking in French. What the hell did you just say?" She said and it made me laugh.

"I said, I'm going to Mexico along with Justin to a photo shoot and it been a really long week for me, I'll explain everything when I get the chance to come home." I said more slowly.

"Why the shit are you landing in Mexico?!" She practically yelled.
"I told you, to company Justin in a photo shoot."

"Are you and him a thing now! There's been a lot of gossip about you two. You and him are TMZ's new hot topic." She said

I saw Justin come back in.
"I'll explain later, love you bye!" I said quickly and hung up.

Justin came back with two plates of pancakes and scrambled eggs along with cups of orange juice. It was in those huge silver plates that you carry several dishes on.

"That looks amazing." I said I'm awe.
He chuckled and gave me the plate of food.
"I'm glad, now you won't have to die." He said.

"Justin, I don't believe you." I said seriously.
He frowned in confusion.
"In what?" He asked
"The phone call." I answered

"You and Scooter are like brothers, you would never speak to him like that, so what gives?" I asked looking at him straight in the eye.

"It's was Sophia."
"Oh." I rolled my eyes. I stabbed the fork in my food and ate it.
"Ok, don't torture your food now. It was just her and her cockiness. I told her I'm with somebody and it's not her."

He said kissing my cheek.
I smiled.
"Well,OK." I said continuing my food.
I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Twitter.

"Babe, have you heard our ship name?" I laughed
"No." He said looking at me.

He smiled at me.
"That's cute."
I took a selfie of him and I and captioned it.
'Jet vibes #jakylie'

I got a direct message on Instagram
Do your self a favor and back the hell off. If you forgot I was on that first.

You was on it for 2 days. Get yo underaged ass out my DMs.


I rolled my eyes and shut off my phone and finished my food. I looked over and Justin was already finished and scrolling through his phone.

"Tell your underaged ex to leave me the hell alone. If not she gonna have to square up!"
I said pissed off.

"She's texting you now?!" He asked and I nodded.
"She's a effing psycho!"
Justin laughed and I playfully slapped his chest as I got up.

"Babe!" I said
"What?!" I said walking to the food section of the jet.
He came up to me and grabbed my waist.
"Tomorrows your birthday!" He smiled

"Just another day I get old." I said leaving his arms.
"Why are you acting like that." He said following me.
"Because i tell you something serious and you just start laughing like its some type of stupid ass joke!"

Purpose  (Justin Bieber & Kylie Jenner)Where stories live. Discover now