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Thats Aly.

Two years later..

Being a senior sucks with all these exams, Projects and homework.
Can school be over already?
I really want to start a new life in a new city
Maybes I'll even go to a new country who know.

"Tara, I'm so tired let's go home" My best friend tara helping me studying for my finals exams 'I love her' we have been friends since I was 10.
she's so smart and one year older than me she's in college now studying Business Administration.
"Shut up, let finish this shit you have finals next week Aly"
"I know" I huffed.
We have been in the library for 6 hours now maybe.
Although I really appreciate her help, She is my cute little hero I smiled "I love you Tee, can we go home now" I almost teared up.
"Stop being a child just a little left, Can't wait to have you with me In college we will have so much fun you know! parties drinking and all That " she said laughing.
"Me too Tara I cant wait" I smiled to her.
As you can see I'm nothing special than any girl my age.
by the way I'm 17 years old.
I'm little short, black hair and big brown eyes
I don't have much friends actually it's just Tara.
People at my school don't like me very much, Or Maybe I just don't like them!
when I was little, kids bully me because I was not thin like other girls.
I'm now 140 Lbs

Well I like my body now and I don't give a fuck about what others really thinks

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Well I like my body now and I don't give a fuck about what others really thinks.
Well everyone have that crazy part about themselves and for me I always have that feeling of something is about to happen to me and to my life and that feeling is sticks with me for years, it sounds crazy I hadn't tell anybody about it not even mom or Tara.
Since my 12 Birthday that night was when it all started..
And let say the night that changed my life!
My first mystery gift..
It was a diary notebook with a letter from him CW as always,Its been 6 years now and in each birthday I get a gift from him..
Every single year at the first of may a gift appears on my bed or my closet
Last year I got a diamond necklace and the year before a diamond earrings, It's actually freaks me out but I'm afraid of telling anyone Specially my mom she will die immediately from a heart attach so...
I mean who the hell brought me Gifts like That!
Is he crazy or something.
And for god sakes tomorrow is the first of may,
Yeah exactly my 18th Birthday!

"Aly Hello! focus" Tara said
"Oh, okay"

Two hours later..
"Goodnight Tara, thanks for everything I really love you" I said
"I know you do, Go and kick ass of that exam"
She hugged me, I hugged her back.
"I Will make you proud promise Bye"
We left the library, I start walking to my house Its not far away from here just 15 minutes walking I love our neighborhood because of the view here.
I put my headphones on
'Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie'
I pulled on of my headphones down and look behind me no one.
I was just like someone was right behind me and now he's gone.
"I hate that feeling so much" I said.
I turned around and start walking,I was about to put my earphones again..
"Its not a feeling Aly, I'm always there watching you Happy early birthday big girl" Someone whispers in my ear and touch my neck with his fingers.
"Oh god what the fuck" I scream very loud and look behind me. No.One. Not a fucking person was there it was just me!
My heart was racing so fast, I was soaked with sweat.
I swear someone just talked to me
Its the first time in my entire life I was that scared and terrified of anything!
I looked down next to my shoes the same box.
"Oh No" I whispered.
Should I tell the police? will they even believe me.
I was shaking I don't know what to do my mind was not thinking right so I Run.

I run back home crying as fast as I can
from what Just happened, I mean It was just like a dream someone whispers in my ear and then disappeared and for fuçk sakes he touched my neck.
I opened the door fast and run to my room.
"Aly is everything alright?" my mom shouted.
"Yeah I'm okay, I just want to take a shower"
"Okay sweetie, and dinner is almost ready"Mom said.

I Enter my room and start changing my clothes until I saw it
I'm having a fucking nightmare totally,thats not happening Its can't be...
That.Damn.Box. on my bed with a note on it "what the hell"
I was about to pass out, I couldn't get near it or near that note. But how?
It was right on street and I was running home no one was there.
"I'm seriously losing my mind" Tears start falling.
30 minutes later I was just sitting on the floor staring at the Box, I couldn't even get up.
"Aly honey Get down dinner is ready" Mom said.
I opened the door "Okay mom coming in ten minutes" I locked the door again.
I went to my bathroom without looking at the box, I get in the shower put shampoo and start washing my body..
Tears start falling, all of thats and nothing makes senses.
I get out from the bathroom changed into my blue pajamas and went down to mom
Should I tell her?

After I finished my dinner and have a chi chat with mom I went to my room, actually I couldn't eat from thinking of what happened tonight.
I went back to my room, I locked the door and went to that box really slowly,I was shaking and really worried.
I pull the note "It was rude from you leaving your gift in the street Love.
Don't do it Again.
Have a Nice day.CW"
"What the hell do you want from me" I start crying again what if he's a fucking serial killer.
What if he want me Died.
Should I open it this time? or just get rid of it.
I was so damn confused.
I start opening it slowly and when I removed the Cover.
I couldn't believe my eyes..

GUYS Hope you liked the first chapter its just the beginning ❤️❤️❤️
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