Chapter 10- Nature is stronger then Humanity

Depuis le début

   "Yes, but-"

   "No buts!" She interrupted. "Owen isn't the Beast and Theo is alive. Everything is okay, understand?"

   "Fine," I grumbled. "But don't you ever let Owen near me, okay?"

   "Bella, you're being unreasonable. Owen was with you the night Theo was attacked. He can't be the Beast," Larissa reasoned.

   "He wasn't with me in the beginning."

   "Bella, stop being difficult."

   I ignored Larissa and watched out the window until Owen stood and walked away. My ridged posture relaxed when he left, my body slumped against the wall.


A/N: Okay. The chapter isn't over. It's chapter ten which is like a milestone to me so I'm doing something special. *wink wink* You'll find out who the Beast is! So on that note; please, please, please, please, please, tell me who you think the beast is! I really want to know who you think it is!
Owen, Aaron, Bennett, or Lee

Moving on now, the next part is in a different persons POV but I'm not telling you who. Now, sit back and enjoy the rest of the chapter! Don't forget to guess who the Beast is and read the ending A/N please! (Just the first part, Half of it is random rambling)


   "You need to stop this," he told me as soon as he walked into the room, his voice was laced with venom.

   "Stop what?" I asked innocently.

   "You know what! Bella thinks I'm the Beast. You nearly killed a child," he spat out.

   I glared at Owen. "I didn't mean to," I spat. "You said he was okay. Please, tell me he is okay," I begged.

   "He is."

   My fists relaxed upon hearing those words, only to tense back up with the next two.

   "For now."

   "What do you mean, for now? What are you going to do to him? Don't you touch that little boy, Owen," I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him out of his chair with ease. "You won't live to see the sunrise if you lay a single finger on him," my voice held only the seriousness of my threat.

   Owen pushed me away from him and glared. "I'm not like you. I wouldn't ever purposefully hurt a person, let alone a child."

   I ignored his biting comment. "What did you mean?"

   "Theo is a child. He's a normal little boy that likes to play in the dirt. His mother works so she is not around to clean his stitches like she should. They're going to get infected unless they get cleaned. Once they're infected, there is nothing you can do. That boy will die and it'll be your fault. You need to give this up. Just leave Bella alone. Forget about here. Right now, you are only causing her – and everyone else in this town – pain."

   "You know why I can't do that. Without her, I am stuck like this forever." I slammed my clenched fist onto the desk, making everything on the table bounce into the air.

   "You can't make her love you. Not after everything you've done. You threatened her with other villagers' lives, you can't expect her to just be okay with that!"

   "I have to try, she was made to love me. If she doesn't do what she was made to do, I'll be stuck like this forever. I can't handle that," I turned and left my office walking without direction until I came across a familiar house. Knowing what I had to do, I knocked.

Another Fairytale - Sacrificed to the Beast ✓ (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant