As she was saying those words, she had her eyes locked behind Moe and Lindsey. The two girls immediately turned around, while Allie was glaring in Kealia's direction. Tobin looked down, as her friends were facing her again. As Lindsey was going to say something - probably to bother Tobin - Allie raised her hand and she just shut up. 

Moe nodded. 

"I-I don't really know" she explained. "It's not like I won't see her again afterward.. We play on the same team, and also have this little thing called World Cup together. So I prefer to wait for a few months." 

"I understand" Allie said. "I wouldn't like Kelley to play in Portland." 

Tobin frowned. 

"You guys are a thing again ?" she asked. 

Allie rolled her eyes. She knew Tobin was overprotective, and ever since Kelley broke up with her best friend, she wasn't behaving the same way she was before, because she knew the freckled girl hurt Allie. 

"I don't know yet" Allie simply said, before glaring at Tobin. "Chill, okay ?"

"We'll see..." Tobin angrily said. 

The conversation then headed somewhere else, while Moe's thoughts were still filled with Cari. 


Mal heard a voice just behind the door she was about to open. Knowing who it was right away, she just remained silent and still, and listened. The person was talking on the phone, and was lowering her voice. 

"I can't, okay ?.... It's been two fucking years...... I'm clean now, I don't want any of you shit..... No..... I already told you I'm out of this. I'm on the National Team now, I can't ruin my chances because of pot..... Don't. I already told you that-.... Daniel. I'm not in the Bronx anymore. I don't want to be.......... No. If Susan finds out, she'll kick me out..... I already told you I didn't want anything to do with that gang anymore. I've seen too many of my friends die already. I've finally found a safe place....... No it's not a girl, you idiot. This team is just....... No, they aren't substitutes for our squad, it's just that....... No, it's a great cover..... Listen, it's out of the question, end of the discussion...." Mal moved a little bit, and the door cracked. She cursed herself, as she heard : "I can't talk right now, someone is coming. Bye." 

Thinking that is was a good idea to act as she just came here, Mal opened the door. As she expected to, she found herself standing right in front of Jenko. The goalkeeper seemed to be in a very bad mood - yes, more than she usually was - and threw Mal a death glare. She then grabbed her forearm and dragged her inside of the small room, before shutting the door. The forward set her jaw. 

Jenko looked at her angrily. 

"What the fuck are you doing here ?" she asked, almost yelling. "Are you following me or something ? Did you hear anything ?" 

Mal didn't like the tone she was using. 

"Relax" she ordered, as Jenko's face was turning whiter and whiter. "I am not following you, I was just taking this back" she then added, showing her the box Mark gave her. 

The tall goalkeeper wasn't really happy with this answer, because Mal didn't tell her if she heard anything or not. 

"Really ? Is that the only reason why you came here ?" she asked angrily, and her voice suddenly was way darker. 

That made Mal shiver. "Like you always say : 'you're not the center of the universe', Bad Gal." 

"I repeat my question : did you hear anything ? And you better answer" Jenko went on, ignoring the stupid nickname Mal found for her. 

"Or what ?" she asked, raising her eyebrow. "You'll drown me among your precious pot ?" she said sarcastically. 

This was the first time Mal had seen Jenko so helpless, but she still looked fierce and composed. It also was the second time in two weeks that she's seen her angry. Her veins were beating on her neck, as her blue eyes became darker. She grabbed Mallory's t-shirt and 'threw' her against the wall, pressing her body against hers. 

Mal was now pretty scared, but she tried not to show it. 

"I swear to God, if you say this to anyone, I'll call my friends and they'll kill your family" she hissed, serious as fuck. Mal chuckled in her saliva. "Understood ?"

Mal's mind was running. "What if I say I'm not afraid ?" 

"Maybe I should kill you with my bare hands, then" Jenko said, and Mal couldn't describe her facial expression. 

"You would get arrested anyway" Mal said, trying her best not to look weak. 

Jenko grabbed Mal's jaw with one of her hands, and got her face closer to Mal's. When their eyes connected, Mal knew she was serious. 

"They can't know I was a junkie" she said more quietly. "If they find out, I'll get kicked out of the team. My tutor will deny me, and I'll end up dying on a street somewhere." 

"I wouldn't let it happen" Mal articulated without really knowing why. Jenko's warm breath crashing against her lips wasn't helping at all. She found herself looking down at her lips, without really wanting to do such a gesture. 

"Really ?" Jenko smirked. "Would you come and save me, Royalty ?" 

"We won't have to find out" Mal said. "Are you still... you know-"

"Smoking pot ?" the goalkeeper asked, smiling. "No. At least I'm trying not to." 

"I can help you" Mal said. Again, she didn't know why she was so caring all of a sudden, but the keeper didn't seem to make fun of her for once. "I mean, whenever you want to smoke, come to my room and I'll kick your bitch ass." 

Jenko looked at Mal's lips for a second, and smirked before taking a few steps backwards. "Whatever, Royalty." 

She then exited the room, while Mal was staring at her until she disappeared. She could at least say thank you. Bitch

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