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2 Weeks Later Annies POV:

That night i barley got any sleep because i was coming down with what i thought was just a cold.. Terrible stomach aches lost voice cough but i soon fell asleep. When i woke up it got so much worse!. This cant be happening! I was going to be worried but I ran straight to the bathroom and vommited. Daddy ran into the bathroom and saw me constantly vommitting I stopped and starting coughing and sneezing. Daddy carried me to the car. I was confused but my throat was so scratchy that i couldnt talk. I threw up a couple of times in the car ride. I cant remember much because its blurry and i was so sick but boy i was terrified. When we got to the docters i couldnt really walk because i was dizzy and vommiting so daddy carried me. 

Hayleys POV:

It has been 2 weeks since the surgery and I am doing very well. Well.. I cant walk yet but I am  sort of acting like myself. My health has been being pretty wonky but besides that I am perfectly okay!

Annies POV:

The docter felt my stomach and then my legs. I went in a scan then some test. The docter went in the hallway and talked to my dad. What was wrong? I saw my dad look very sad and worried. He had a serious look on his face. Daddy and the docter went in.

Daddy: Annie you have leukemia.

Annie: What? I have cancer?

I broke down crying and I hugged my dad. And then I hugged the nice docter. He was very calming and tried to make things better.

Daddy: You will have to start your treatment in the hospital but the good news is we can get you a room next to hayley

Daddy: *calling mommy*

Mommy: Billy?
Daddy: You know how Annie was sick?
Mommy; Yes. I do

Daddy: We took her to the docter and they diognosed her with leukemia

Mommy: What? Oh my god.

Daddy: She will have treatment in the hospital room next to hayley.

Mommy: Oh my god this is *crying* This is horrible Im gonna lose my baby

Princess||A Bratayley Fanfiction (FINISHED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz