Seeing Hayley

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Annies POV

We were waiting for Hayley to come out of surgery. It was 2 in the morning and we wide awake. it was only Me,Mommy and Daddy. There were several news reporters asking if they could report it but we declined it. I was in the waiting room all scared. Not even wanting to think about social media. All i can think about is losing hayley. But we had to make a short little video explaining what happened. Daddy took his phone and started filming. 

Daddy: We have been having a long day So hayley was playing outside. She fell I think off a log. And hit her head on some rocks below. She cracked her head open really bad. So she broke her skull. And may have damaged her brain. She is in brain surgery right now. If Hayley passes away. We will not post anymore. If she survives. We will try to post everyday. Try to keep us in your prayers.  I just wanted to announce that if you heard about it. Its true. And like i kinda said before. If we stop posting that means Hayley passed away. If that happens we will make a video confirming and then quit. Please go hug your little siblings older siblings parents cousins grandmas aunts uncles. And remember to Celebrate life. Goodnight.

After the video he uploaded to youtube and named it What Happened To Hayley.

Soon a nurse who looked like she was in her early 20s  walked into the waiting room.

Nurse Leila: Hi I am one of Hayleys nurses. Nurse Leila Are you her family?
Mommy: Yes we are. Did she make it?
Nurse Leila: Yes! She got out 2 hours ago and is currently sleeping. You can visit her now because she might wake up soon!

I held my Mom and Dads hand and walked to the room. We slowly opened the door and saw Hayley fast asleep in her bed. Her hair was tied up in a cute top knot and she had the stitches from the fall and from the surgery. She had tubes in her nose and tones of other tubes. I sat down right next to her.

About 10 minutes later she started rubbing her eyes. And waking up. We started to record.

Hayleys POV:

I was starting to wake up. 

I heard "Hayley Can You Hear Me?" In a echoing voice. My eyes scrolled around the room. I felt dizzy and confused. And I forgot how to do some things which scared me.

Hayley: Mo-mommy? Wh-where am i 

I said in a very soft voice.

Mommy: Honey you are in a hospital. You cracked your head open

Hayley: oh. okay.

Nurse Leila: Its going to take a few days for her to start acting like her self again. 

Annie: Thats not as bad as 2 months.

Annies POV:

We stayed for about 10 minutes. I did not want to leave Hayleys side. My parents had to carry me away crying because I wanted to stay next to her so I can be brave for her. But she had to do tests to make sure she was going to get better. 

At Home:

I went up to my room and opened my laptop. Hate about me was calming down. I smiled. I saw alot more nicer comments.  I didnt want to leave my room. I was just a bit sad


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