Fairy wings

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"Daddy, I haf defided somefing," said Phil proudly as Dan dresses him one morning.

"What's that baby?" asked Dan smiling at Phil whilst buttoning up Phil's trousers.

"I want to fwy," exclaimed Phil throwing his arms up excitedly.

Dan chuckled at Phil wondering if his new obsession with fairy books had caused this idea.

"How do you plan on doing that darling?" said Dan ruffling Phil's hair and sliding Phil's pink fairy t-shirt over his head.

"Wiv wings daddy," said Phil knowingly, surprised his daddy hadn't known this.

"Ah," said Dan, nodding his head in understanding. "Do you want to make some?"

"Okee," Phil replied, prancing out the room and running to get his crayons.

He and his daddy spent the morning carefully cutting out wings and colouring them in.

"Yay," cheered Phil, his eyes wide in excitement as his daddy attached the wings to his back and arms with string.

Dan stood back, admiring his gorgeous little boy. To go with his pink sequinned fairy top, Phil was also wearing a pink tutu. With his beautiful homemade wings and a cute pink hair clip in his fringe, Phil looked truly adorable.

"Do you want to go watch some cartoons now, little fairy?" Dan asked kindly.

Phil gaped at his daddy. "No, I haf to test my wings firwst!" he said tutting.

"Of course! Silly me," said Dan holding back a smile.

Phil grabbed his daddy's hand and ran as fast as he could into their garden. He was nearly overflowing
with excitement.

Phil jumped of the decking onto the soft grass flapping his arms as hard as he could. He hadn't flew for very long, Phil thought, he would have to go from somewhere higher.

Seeing his daddy had got out the hose and was concentrating on watering the flowers, Phil headed towards his big climbing frame. His daddy would be so impressed when he saw him fly off the top.

Phil climbed up carefully, having never climbed to the top by himself. He balanced himself precariously on the top bar.

"Daddy, look at me!"

Dan turned around and to his horror saw his baby fairy clutching onto the top of the climbing frame a wide smile on his face.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as Phil jumped off, flapping his wings desperately, however only going downwards, landing with a harsh thud on the muddy ground.

Dan froze for a second and time seemed to stand still, before Phil's screams and cries filled the air.

Dan almost signed in relief, knowing Phil wasn't dead. He ran over instantly, forgetting to put down the hose in his rush. He looked a bit like a fire fighter running to the rescue.

In reality however, Dan just succeeded in spraying water all over Phil, drenching him completely.

Phil curled up in a ball, sobbing harder, now soaking wet, very dirty and in an extreme amount of pain (for his 2 year old mind).

Dan chucked the hose away, letting it spray into a random bush before picking up Phil bridal style and carrying him up to the house as quickly as he could, all the while whispering calming things to him.

After entering their home, Dan immediately checked Phil over for any severe injury and after establishing that it was probably only a few bumps and bruises he picked him up and carried him into the bathroom.

He quickly began running a bath before sitting down on the floor cuddling Phil close to him.

"It's okay baby," he said gently stroking Phil's hair. "I'm gonna give you a nice bubble bath and then we'll get you some medicine and put plaster on all of your ouwies."

"Evwey where ouwie, daddy," Phil cried out stuffing his face into Dan's shirt.

"And fairwy wings ruined," he gasped out punching his little fists against dan's chest as he cried harder.

"We can make you some more baby," Dan replied comfortingly as he took of Phil's shoes and socks and then began to peel of Phil's soaked, dirty top and tutu and his fairy wings.

The fairy wings practically fell apart in his hands, falling to the bathroom floor and lying as a wet mush.

Phil peered around to look at them, and another fresh round of tears came over him.

Dan felt devastated for his baby boy, knowing Phil was not able to handle situations like this well when he was in his headspace.

Dan putting his hand into the bath, testing out the water temperature before picking Phil up and placing him carefully in the big bubble bath.

He washed Phil gently with a flannel, telling him what a brave boy he was and that he was always daddy's little fairy.

Once Phil was clean, Dan lifted him up out of the bath, wrapping Phil up in a big green fluffy towel.

By now Phil had stopped crying although his eyes were still red and raw. He sniffled as Dan petted his hair before carrying him into his nursery and sitting him down in the big comfy chair.

"I'll just be a sec, sweetie," said Dan darting into the kitchen and grabbing the first aid kit and some pain relief.

He kneeled down beside Phil, pouring out some medicine onto a spoon and then putting it into Phil's open mouth.

Phil gulped it down pulling a face, "it yucky daddy,"

"I know but it will help your ouwies," said Dan putting the lid back on the medicine bottle.

Reminded of his ouwies, Phil peered down to inspect his body.

"Daddy I fink I need a bwig bandage on my kneeknee," said Phil hopefully looking into the first aid kit and seeing the impressive looking bandages.

"Okay, little one. Good plan," said Dan smiling at his cute baby Phil.

Dan bandaged up Phil's knee carefully before putting princess and unicorn plasters wherever Phil pointed too.

When he was done, Dan stepped back to admire his work. Phil was almost completely covered in plasters and he looked adorable.

Phil let out a yawn curling into Dan's side.

"Let's put a nappy on you and then we'll put you to bed for a nap, okay baby,"

Phil nodded tiredly allowing Dan to lift him onto the changing table and put a fresh nappy on him.

Dan closed the curtains before putting Phil into his adult sized cot and tucking him in lovingly, placing lion by his side.

Before Dan was even out the room Phil was already asleep, cuddling his lion contentedly.

I legit don't know why I'm still writing this fic but oh well.

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