Chapter Thirty-Four: Getting Advice

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Lionel sighed watching Briana sleep, the pregnancy was starting to take a lot out of her and he was starting to get worried that something was wrong; he quietly left the bedroom wanting her to rest for as long as possible. 

Briana was about fifteen weeks now and Lionel had noticed that the further that her pregnancy seemed to progress the more that Briana wanted to sleep and he worried for her. 

Shutting the door behind him, Lionel chewed on his lip wondering what to do and how to help Briana more; he felt so lost and he needed to speak with someone about this. 

Lionel felt currently unable to speak with either of his brothers, both of whom were taking the competition to become the next King of Aulea far too seriously. 

He didn't know what would happen if either Matias or Rodrigo won but Lionel doubted that anyone would be prepared for what came next; Lionel only knew that it would end everything that he had ever known. 

Shaking his head, Lionel headed for the living room knowing that there was one person that he could talk to about this and he hoped that the other man didn't mind. 

Cristiano had been a good friend to Lionel since he had married Ariana and Lionel knew that the other man would certainly be able to help him now. 

Cristiano had three children with Ariana, two daughters and a son meaning that he would certainly have advice for how Lionel should handle this now that Briana was expecting. 

It wasn't a subject that would be easy too approached especially considering that Briana was from Earth; it made Lionel even more nervous about what was going on with her. 

Lionel wanted to be prepared for whatever came his way when it came to Briana's pregnancy, he didn't want any surprises when they were doing so well.


Cristiano chuckled when he heard just what had been bothering Lionel, he had been surprised when the other had called him asking him to come around; he should have seen it coming sooner or later. 

He remembered the first time that Ariana had been pregnant with Leila, it had scared the crap out of him but at least they were the same species; there was so much unknown because Briana was human. 

"She just so tired all the time," Lionel murmured glad that Cristiano had come to speak to him, he needed some advice and he hoped that Cristiano would have some to give him. 

Cristiano nodded his head, he wasn't surprised that the pregnancy was taking a lot out of Briana and he was sure that she would be fine soon. 

"She should be fine Leo... it's her first pregnancy and it's bound to be strange for her," Cristiano reassured remembering what Ariana had been like when she had finished her first trimester, she had wanted to sleep a lot as well and had been extra snappy with him. 

Lionel nodded his head, he was still unsure and he wished that there was more information on Aulean/human pregnancies; it would make him feel a lot better if he knew more. 

"Has she been feeling ill?" Cristiano asked softly, he didn't want the other man to worry for no reason and he was sure that if there was something wrong then the midwife would say something. 

Cristiano knew that Briana was having an extra close eye kept on her because she was human and they wanted to make sure that she and baby were doing well. 

"No. She's just tired most of the time," Lionel admitted knowing that if there was something wrong then Briana would tell him, she seemed comfortable in their bedroom and usually kept there because it was the best place for her right now.

It made him a little pleased that she did not wish to risk leaving the apartment, even if Lionel knew that people were curious about Briana's pregnancy; everyone was trying to work out what they were going to have. 

"Then just make sure that she's eating and drinking enough for her and baby," Cristiano reassured doubting that there was much that Lionel could do right now to make this any easier on her. 

Briana was going to be fine and that was what mattered, the baby was due in a matter of months and she seemed to be handling it well so far.

It wouldn't be long before Lionel and Briana would have a little boy or girl to spoil and Cristiano was sure that the people would be thrilled no matter what they had. 

There were bound to be celebrations across the planet for the new prince or princess, Cristiano could only imagine what would happen and he had a feeling that Lionel and Briana might sway the tide in the election. 

Lionel clearly had no idea how much more popular the idea was that he should take the throne when his father retired; it would be a way to ensure that the throne remained with the family and not fall into republican hands. 

"She'll be fine Leo... Briana is a lot stronger than she looks," Cristiano reassured patting Lionel's hand, he doubted that anything would happen to Briana and the baby; they were the future of the planet and there would be no one that would risk such a threat to their planet. 

The only thing that Lionel did have to worry about was if his brothers deemed his unborn child a threat; it would be easy for them to ensure that Briana miscarried before term. 

Cristiano didn't want to even consider what might happen if things took that route, he could only imagine what would happen if Rodrigo or Matias attempted to poison Briana.


Running his hands through his hair, Matias frowned as he looked at the recent figures for the election and shook his head; he was in second place and he could not believe he was losing to his baby brother. 

It had come as a complete surprise that Lionel and his human bride were so popular among the people and that there were even people that wished to see them become King and Queen of Aulea. 

Matias had thought that his only rival for the throne would be Rodrigo especially after Lionel had claimed that he had no interest in the throne at all. 

Apparently his little brother had been lying and Matias was far from pleased that this was how things were now going to play out; Rodrigo and Maria Sol were out of the race now and that just left them. 

Florencia walked into the room far from pleased with the polls herself, she had hoped to be further ahead right now and the fact some human might become Queen unsettled her. 

Any children that were born from Lionel's union would be half-breeds and much less worthy to sit upon the throne in Florencia's opinion. 

Catharine and Lucas were much more suitable heirs to the throne and her husband would make a fine King; they would ensure that everyone would have what they always wanted. 

They would be the last royals of Aulea and none of their relatives would have rights to hold titles higher then Duke or Duchess; they would be the King, Queen, Crown Princess and Prince of Aulea. 

"Allow me to deal with this," Florencia insisted wrapping her arms around her husband's neck and kissing him, she would make sure that Lionel would not be an option for King, there would be no heirs from his end of the line. 

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