Chapter 1 - The Question

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'STOP NOW!' Mr. Peterson, the headmaster suddenly entered the gym, Coach Mandy at his side.

Everyone turned to look at him, whilst I kept my eyes on Cole. His chest was heaving up and down and his gym top was tight on his upper body making his muscles stand out. His light brown hair was flopping down over his eyes, messy from the fight, I moved my eyes to his face, his jaw was clenched and he actually looked quite..... Hot? He pushed his hand through his hair, revealing his blue-green eyes, which were on me.
We locked gazes for a few seconds before Mr.Peterson interrupted, 'Williams! Office now!!'

Cole walked slowly towards Mr Peterson, his eyes still on me, he then looked me up and down and winked at me just before leaving the gym.

I gasped, realizing almost everyone's gaze was on me, my eyes quickly darted to Aaron who was looking at me, his fists clenched. Was he angry because... Cole?
I mentally jumped up and down, oh my God, oh my God! Finally!
I have a revenge plan!
'Wait, so what are you going to do again?' Gee asked with a mouth full of pasta.

'Shhh!' I whispered as I tried to eavesdrop to Aaron's table behind me.

'Coach said if he gets into one more fight, he'll get kicked from the team.' I heard one of the boys say.

'Sweet! Then Aaron can be captain!' Derik chirped up.

Aaron mumbled something but I'm not sure what.

'Shut up, he's coming.' Someone said. I turned my head to the doorway, to see Cole making his way to Aaron's table.
Cole was one of the most popular boys in the school, he was in Aaron's big group, but I knew that Aaron secretly envied Cole, he told me thousands of times, once we were together, how he hated Cole.
I quickly averted my gaze to my pizza as Cole got nearer, Alex Turner and Trent Baker were either side of Cole, they were his two best mates.

'Der, sorry about earlier, didn't mean anything by it.' I heard Cole say as he sat down on the table behind me.

'Nah, don't worry about it bro, it's cool.' Derik replied.

How can boys be like that? If it was girls, it would be like WW3.

'Eavesdropping?' Gee whispered.
I nodded before saying, 'I might ask him now.'

'In front of everyone?!' Gee's eyes widened.

I shook my head and frowned, 'No, I'll ask him that in private, but I'll ask to talk to him now.' I said quietly as I got up.

Gee nodded as if approving.
I turned round and took a few steps towards Aaron's table, I rested my hands on the end of the table as everyone turned to look at me, except Cole and Alex who were looking at something on Cole's phone.

I glared at Aaron, who looked shocked.
A whoosh of confidence suddenly came over me and I felt... Alive again. I've never been one to be shy, I've always been confident, I guess last week was just a bad week...

'Cole,' I started, Cole looked up at me quickly, 'Can I talk to you?' I flicked my hair behind my shoulder, raiding confidence.

Cole raised an eyebrow before replying, 'Yeah, go ahead.'

'In private.' I said quickly.

Cole smirked as he looked at Aaron, then back to me. The two hated each other, yet they acted civil towards each other.
One of the jocks whistled lowly and Alex punched Cole in the shoulder, as I tapped my finger impatiently. The canteen had became dead silent, everyone had their eyes on me.
They were probably thinking I was going to have a go at Aaron or something but I was sneakier than that.

Cole suddenly jumped up, 'Let's go then.' He said as though he was amused.

I walked out of the canteen with my arms folded across my chest as I avoided everyone's gazes, Cole walked closely behind.
I turned a few corners and stopped once we were in an empty hallway, Cole leaned against a locker as I took a deep breathe.
I had never really spoken to Cole before, Cole only moved to our school two years ago and at that time I was with Aaron, who didn't like me speaking to other boys, especially boys like Cole. So, what I was about to ask him would make things more awkward than they needed to be.

'Cole,' I gulped suddenly feeling less confident.

He raised his eyebrow at me, 'Olivia?'

I looked around quickly making sure no one was around, I took one last deep breath before blurting out.

'Will you be my boyfriend?'

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