Chp 1: The best day of my life!!

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"I cant believe it!!" I said to myself. I couldn't believe I was getting married to my dear seaweed brain TODAY. I was sitting alone in the dressing room, staring at the beautiful dress I had put on. It fit perfectly and made me look like aphrodite herself. It was a cross between a modern wedding gown and a greek chiton. The dress was as white and beautiful as the moon and was a wedding gift from Artemis and her hunters.

As a matter of fact, all the gods had blessed me and my going-to-be husband percy with something or the other. As the wedding was on the beach, zeus and poseidon had promised calm weather with a gentle sea breeze and the background music of subtle waves crashing at the shore. Even Hades had given me a gift, a beautiful necklace and two small but costly earrings, all handcrafted beautifully using the gemstones found in the underworld. Hera was in the list too, she blessed us with a happy family and the most adorable kids possible (they would be here soon according to her......)

Athena, my mom, was not very pleased with the relation but still gave me a beautiful owl locket which she said was a symbol of being her favourite which made me emotional. Demeter and persephone had prepared some awfully tasty looking organic food and had also decorated the place with fresh flowers, which added an intoxicating aroma to the scene. Apollo had said that he had a surprise for us and we would find out soon, which scared me.

Hephaestus had created the best automatons I had seen to help demigods. The best part about them was the capsule which could hold all the things inside it even though they were much bigger than it as it was just the size of an apple. Ares had given us a security system that would beep if there was a monster after us or near us, which was apparently damn useful. "To find some enemy if you are bored" he had beamed.

The less expected one was dionysus who had organised the best wine possible for the guests and deep red wine for me and percy because we were supposed to drink a few sips of wine from the same glass according to a greek ritual and Hera was very particular about these.

I was just finishing up with the make up when my dad entered. He started," I feel like it was just yesterday when you were sleeping peacefully in my arms when you had just come to this world and now, here you are, at the age of 20, getting married." I hugged him tight. Just then, Rachel entered," You ready, Annabeth? The wedding starts in ten so.........oh! sorry to interrupt." She was going to leave but I stopped her, "Its ok rachel."

"Oh yeah, you get ready, we'll wait outside, ok darling?" my dad said.

"OK, I love you dad." I said.

They both left while I continued to get ready..........


It was early evening, around five and I was ready, waiting for it to start but more than waiting, I was nervous. Although annabeth loved me and vice versa, I was not sure whether she would say yes and my ADHD was getting me hyper.

As all the things that could go wrong crossed my mind, I suddenly heard claps as Annabeth's friends - Reyna,Piper,Thalia,Juniper and Rachel, dressed as the bridesmaids entered. They all had gone shopping together, though only Annabeth was unable to find a nice dress for the wedding. Then, Artemis gave her a dress. We could have gotten married earlier but my coast security firm denied a leave at the same time as Annabeth was free. She had become the CEO of the top architectural company in the world and half the time was not in town. Although it had been a while since anything big (in a demigod's point of view) had happened after the Gaia thing, anything is possible and I was happy we were living a normal mortal-style life.

As the girls moved on, I saw her. She was looking too beautiful to be described in words, she walked along holding hands with her father and the rituals began. It was an mid-autumn Saturday evening(Saturday was supposed to be the day people got married on in greece), but everything was warm, because leo had added some tiny machines which glowed everywhere, though they weren't visible and didn't affect the decor. It reminded me of how wild Leo had been at the bachelor party a day before. The priest began, we exchanged rings and all. It was beautiful and was going smoothly, though I was as nervous as i could probably be.

Now, we had to take the vows. I began "I, Perseus Jackson, take you, Annabeth Chase, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

Now Annabeth,"I, Annabeth Chase, take you, Perseus Jackson, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

The priest then concluded,"You have declared your consent before the Olympians. May the Gods in their goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with their blessings. What the gods have joined, men must not divide. You may now kiss the bride."

The sunset began, just as our lips touched together. It must have been beautiful, both of us kissing with the Sun directly behind us, looking as if it was going for a swim in the vast ocean.

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