Stay Safe, My Son

Start from the beginning

I smiled and glanced up as I saw a shadow dart to the side out of the corner of my eye. Keeping Adrien close to my chest, I backed up toward the wall behind me, and slowly reached for my gun, which lay beside the dresser that had washed up from the shipwreck. I heard scratching coming from the planks of wood outside, and shivered. I knew that sound all too well.

I could hear Sabor's low growl surface from just outside the window, growing fainter as he moved around to the back of the "house". As quickly and silently as I could, I hurried over to the corner where we kept the stuff that hadn't been used to build the "house" and dug through the pile. I pulled out a sheet and doused it in a small amount of whiskey so that Sabor wouldn't catch hi scent, then wrapped it around Adrien. I placed the smiling baby back in his bassinet and lulled it over to me, making sure that he wouldn't be near the window.

I loaded and cocked my gun, listening for Sabor. I could hear the sounds of his panting circling the "house" as his claws scraped against the wooden walls. I took another step back and looked all around me, trying to stay vigilant. I could hear Adrien start to whimper, and I quickly stuck my hand out towards him and let him grab hold of my palm. He played with my fingers as I shushed him, listening to the sounds of the advancing leopard. The scratching, panting, growling. . . It seemed to circle the "house", like he wasn't in one spot, but all around me. My breath hitched in my throat, and beads of sweat trickled down the sides of my temples.

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