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An abandoned stone structure.

Dim lighting.

The stench of blood and gore.

Gloves smiled.

Ironically, isn't this how they met?

The Killer and the Psychotic Magician.

How fitting,

That he ends her here.


She was no longer that soulless girl he dragged out of prison.

She was no longer trapped by guilt.

Indeed, by bringing Gloves to the Hunters Exam;

To Killua;

To friends.

Hisoka had honored his promise to free her.

So now,

When she opened her mouth,

She felt no remorse.

There was no guilt.

She felt nothing at all...

As her teeth impaled themselves into Hisoka's hand,

And bright crimson blood spilled out.

He snarled,

Releasing her.

He never should have.


In that moment,

Gloves turned on her savior of sorts,

And gave him a crushing hug.

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