9 if mcr gets back together

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I walked into the dressing room to see the usual girls eating cotton balls and gagging themselves.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the dressing room stall/ bathroom stall and layed out my stuff.

I put on some eyeliner, mascara, concealer, and a deep red lipstick.

I began to take off my pink sweatshirt, white flowy tank, and blue jeans.

I took them off and packed them neatly into my bag and then grabbed my dress that I was wearing that night.

it was red and long and just beautiful. i put it on and tried to zip it up.

it wouldn't.

I'm a size 1 on a good day but usually I'm a size two which is equally as 'skinny' but still.

I panicked and looked around the small space.

my eyes landed on the toilet.

oh god.

I kneeled on my knees.

"Blonder hair, flat chest
TV says, "Bigger is better."
South beach, sugar free
Vogue says, "Thinner is better."

I put two of my perfectly manicured nails down my throat, making a shit ton of puke escape my mouth.

this went on for ten unbearable minutes.

I got a toothbrush from my bag (what I came prepared!) and brushed my teeth and finally zipped up my dress, which now fit pretty damn well.

I walked out with my heels on and saw everyone waiting for me in silence.

practice went by normal. it was mainly brendon and I being shitheads.

"okay but what if mcr gets back together?!" brendon asked, ignoring his moms instruction as we sat on the edge of the stage, our legs dangling.

"I would have to go see them if they went on tour. duh" I said, laughing.

"well Kaity delury... if mcr gets back together I'll take you. " he smiled and so did I and we fist pumped, something we had been doing a lot lately for some reason.

"BRENDON, KAITY! GET BACK TO PRACTICE! THE PAGEANT IS COMING CLOSER AND IM NOT IN THE MOOD TO CHASE YOUR ASSES AROUND LIKE I HAD TO WHEN YOU BOTH WERE IN KINDERGARTEN!" Mrs. uries voice echoed through the church as she blessed herself because she had just sworn in church.

brendon and I hopped down from the stage, making me wobble on my high heels.

we walked around so we could walk up the stairs that led to the stage.

all the other girls were staring at brendon, some twirling their messily curled hair or biting their same unoriginal painted lips, or even both, but somehow brendon ignored them in favor of talking about random shit with me.

I liked that.

a lot.



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