When The Curtains Close

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~Shuuichi's POV~

   As I step off the stage, my heart begins to sink. On that stage, I got to be a girl. Off stage, it's different. My voice is changing. Before I went on stage, I didn't care. Now, it's all I can think about. Soon, I'll have a deep voice and start growing a beard. No matter how hard I try, I'll never, ever be a girl. I heard someone talking to me in a cheerful tone. "Nitori, you did great!" I turn around to see Sasa smiling. "I'll be right back." I walked down the hallway and into the bathroom. I locked myself in the stall and started to cry.

   "Nitori?" I heard Takatsuki ask. "Nitori, tell me what's wrong." "Please, Takatsuki, go away. I want to be alone," I manage to muster. I hear footsteps. "Nitori, open up!" I slowly open the door. I see Takatsuki standing in front of the stall. "Takatsuki, you'll get in trouble." "Tell me what's wrong. You know I'm here for you," she says. "Takatsuki, I still want to become a woman. I know you've probably gotten over wanting to be a boy, but I haven't. Takatsuki, do you see me as a girl, or a boy?" I say as hot tears come flowing down my face. " I... I don't know," Takatsuki answers, looking down at the floor. And with that, my heart shatters. 

   I don't know what I was thinking. Tears flow like waterfalls. I run out the door, my mind racing. I run as fast as I can, not knowing where I'm going. I can't think. I was never meant to be a boy. I stop all of a sudden. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I can't tell who it is, it's too dark. "Nitori, I'm sorry." "Takatsuki?" I ask, shaking. "Nitori, I still want to be a boy. I know you were meant to be a girl. It's just that..." Takatsuki pauses. "My voice is changing. I know," I cry. "Shuuichi, come. Follow me," Takatsuki says softly. I find myself sitting on a wooden bench next to Takatsuki. "This is where I like to sit when I'm stressed. I hope it can calm you down. And yes, I see you as a girl." And because of that, I was able to sleep tonight. 

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